THIRTY TWO : Nightmares

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"Hoseok, are you in here?" Yoongi called out as he kept walking through the house, worry bubbling in his gut as the male who he's calling for isn't giving him any response.

Yoongi uttered a gentle "Hello?" in an attempt to draw Hoseok's attention, who may be inside the bedroom the nurse is knocking on to.

Instead of a voice saying "come in," he was instead met with dreadful sounds of coughing, almost as if the person was vomiting and coughing up blood at the same time.

Yoongi hesitant but swiftly opened the door to his boss' bedroom, "H-Hoseok, what's going on?" as sweat started forming on his temples.

Hesitant because of the fear of not liking what he will see Hoseok in pain yet quickly because he needs to help him out of that agony he's going through.

Yoongi regretted having unlocked that door. He wished that the door was locked so that he wouldn't have the enough time to open it just so he wouldn't see Hoseok struggling.

Hoseok, who is curled up on his bedroom floor with his arms about his stomach while he coughs and vomits up never-ending pools of blood.

Yoongi wished he had never gone through with opening that door because, had he, he would not have had the opportunity to hold Hoseok in his arms and watch him slowly die in pain.


"Hoseok!" Yoongi jolted straight up from a dream or a nightmare given how frightened he was.

He found himself with beads of cold sweat at either sides of his temple, his heart racing and body shaking.

Since he returned from Daegu approximately two weeks ago, he has occasionally been having nightmares about various situations wherein Hoseok is on the verge of passing away.

All of it was from his cancer disease but in different circumstances and Yoongi is always the only one by his side, cradling him until he eventually becomes lifeless.

He is unsure if these were forebodings before the actual death, but he hopes they weren't. Though situations like this is really common since Yoongi encountered many dying patients with their families hallucinating things.

But it's too early for a premonition. According to Dr. Kim, Hoseok still has 5 months to live, with a slight chance that time may be extended if he is fortunate enough.

Yoongi wanted the bad dreams to stop, but he doesn't know how.

Sometimes, these dreams force Yoongi to wake up so early in the morning, leaving him without any chance of falling back into a deep sleep.

Who would even want to go back to sleep if you just had a dream about the love of your life dying in your arms again and again?

And when he wakes up from a bad dream, his feet will always remember to take him to Hoseok's bedroom, just so he can check on him and make sure he's alright.

And that's exactly what he's doing right now, he's towering above the sleeping male, but not too close it will be considered creepy, just.. in the distance where he can still see his immaculate features that turn more angelic than it was whenever he's sleeping.

If he can have Hoseok and hold him in his arms every night just to make sure he's alright, he would do that. But Hoseok of course wouldn't want that, so he has no choice but to struggle with the dreams that's been making it hard for him to sleep every night.

When Yoongi saw how at peace Hoseok is while curled up under his heavy duvet, which provides him with the ideal amount of body heat on chilly nights, he quietly smiled.

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