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Keeping your eyes glued to the gravel below you, you practically shriveled like a raisin. You being the grape, and the eyes of your fellow Hashira being the Sun.

Feeling all the different emotions irked you. You wish they didn't share them so openly, now that you understood. But they didn't know that, did they? What would you say...that an Upper Moon demon taught you about emotion?

You wanted to fall back into the safety of Mitsuri or Rengoku's aura. But the glare Shinobu and Muichiro gave you snapped you back into reality. And of course, to keep your nerves on edge you had to avoid being consumed by Tengen's obsessive nature or Gyomei's sadness façade.

In the tree Obanai watched you, his heterochromatic eyes observing your complexion, trying to figure you out. What had you done to all the pillars? Particularly Mitsuri, he didn't like it. It didn't feel right. You didn't feel right. But yet, he couldn't help the feeling of being captivated. He refused to become like them. You must be a witch.

Looking up into the tree, the two of you locked eyes. At peace for a moment till Obanai had realized who he was gawking into the eyes of.

"Damn it," he whispered under his breath, sucking his teeth, and quickly snapped his neck towards his Master's mansion to get you out of view.

It must be those eyes...those doll e/c eyes...

Being embarrassed with himself, he quickly covered his red features with a sleeve, but quickly undid his action as he remembered the bandages that wrapped around his face.

Looking at his shoulder, he swore he saw a smirk on Kaburamaru's small face.

You, however, kept your eyes on the older man. Also intrigued, but rather by how different he was. He was secretive. He didn't express his emotions like his peers, nor did he express much of anything else. The bandages that wrapped around his mouth and the beautiful white snake he had wrapped around his neck.

You wanted to approach him but stopped yourself in wondering what you would even say. You were nervous, not knowing how he was feeling mixed with not knowing anything about him strikes you as intimidating. So instead, you looked away from the man and instead turned your head to Giyu.

Why weren't you with him?

If Giyu was in the wrong, so were you.

Shinobu and Kanao witnessed your protective nature towards a demon, so why had you not been expelled like Giyu?

Did they not tell anyone...?

Your eyes glanced into Shinobu's purple orbs which bore deep into your soul, frightening you.

You quickly learned that the gravel was much more entertaining than the risk of pissing off another pillar.

"Here is Kamado Tanjiro," A Kakushi approached, the unconscious boy on his back. In untying the rope that supported him, Tanjiro crashed to the ground, making you absentmindedly lean over.

"Hey!" You yelled, making the Kakushi flinch, their eyes widening. Rengoku's arm reached out to loosely hold your waist, preventing you from moving further. But you didn't need to move, your voice was enough, "As a Kakushi, you should take better care of your injured patients. Criminal or not."

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