TaeYoung's Bday 1/2

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(This will be on his birthday and it has been like 2 months or a bit less since June 30. Also no ships! So don't take some bits the wrong way. Please- also TaeYoung sees Jesse as a dad.)

Jesse's POV

Today is Tae's birthday and I want it be to a very special birthday. Welp, time to wake the others up, besides Tae since I will allow him to have beauty rest. As I finished walking up the stairs I turned to Robaire's door. I then turned the door handle. "Robaire, time to get up..." I say. "Hmmm...5 more minutes..." He was still sleepy, ugh... "*sigh* fine, but 5 minutes no more. I'll be back to wake you up, alright?" "Alright..." He then hides his face into his pillow. Yeah... ima go wake up Z.

(At Z's door)

I stand infront of the door knocking it whilst opening the door. "Z, it's time to get up." I say. At least he doesn't hesitate unlike the others. "Hey Jess, what's up?" He says. "I want to set up decorations and stuff for Tae's birthday today and I want you guys to help me besides Tae ofc." He looks at me smiling. "Sure, I'll get changed into my clothes." "Thanks man..." "No problem." Z is really nice. Even though he looks rude he is actually a nice guy. I smiled walking out of the room. Now T. He was kind of the opposite but when I say it's for something for Tae in the morning he agrees. As soon as I get to his room I kick the door open. Yep, that's how I wake him up. "Get up, and no asking for more minutes I only allow one person per day. Robaire already asked." He looks uo at me mad. "Ugh, fine!" "It's also to help set up Tae's birthday party." I say. He then gets out of bed and runs to his walk in closet. "Heh... typical T."

(Five minutes later.)

Finally time to get Robaire up. "Robaire it's been five minutes time to get up and help set up for Tae's birthday." I looked at his alarm clock. It was 7am. "Alright." He got up out of bed to get changed.

(At the dining table.)

"Alright Z, what colors for the decorations?" "Hmm... hiw about blue, pink, purple, and white?" Okay. How the fuck did I not think of that. "Yes-" I walk over to the box it is in and grab the decorations in those exact colors. "Perfect." I hear footsteps and see Robaire and T. "Finally, here." I handed Robaire ribbons and napkins while I gave T ribbons, forks and knifes. "Once I put the table cloth down you guys can put the napkins on." Robaire nods his head while T just groans. "Don't complain T, it will take like a second." I grabbed the cloth putting it on the table then smoothing it out. "See? Easy." Robaire puts the ribbon on the floor and starts placing napkins downs while Z puts plates down. "Come on T, you gotta put the forks and knife's at a plate." I said while putting a banner up. He doesn't hesitate and does what he was told.

(20 minutes later.)

We are finally done and it is 7:50 yeah. They did take a long while yo get ready. We'll Robaire and T that is not Z. Okay 10 more minutes until I need to wake TaeYoung up. I'll go get the twins. "Lunar, Arabella time to get up."
(10 minutes later)
Okay tine to wake up the birthday boy. I'll wake him up in a very very nice way since it is his 15th bday(I decided with 15.) I walk to his Tae silently opening it. I then walk over to the right of his bed rubbing his head softly. "TaeYoung, it's time to get up." "Hmmm...just another minute..." "Sure." I agreed. After bit it a minutes had gone by. "Alright Tae. It has been a minute." "He looks at me. "Alright..." "I have a surprise for you when you get downstairs." I smile getting up and walking to the table.

Taeyoung's POV

What day is it again. I look at my calendar looking at the day. It was my birthday!!! Finally! I quickly brushed my hair and changed into my clothes. "Yay!" I was finally 15. Idrk why I am so excited to be 15 but whatever.






Words: 746

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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