chapter 1

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Sakura walked in with formal doctor attire, her heels clacking in the semi-silent building. She stopped in front of shizune's office, aka the owner of the building.

She knocked twice and entered upon hearing an approval to enter "ah, sakura welcome; though next time please come in shoe's or boot's, some of the patients have sensitive hearing or just cannot stand the sound" shizune said.

Sakura bowed "i'm sorry shizune-san I didn't know, i'll keep that noted" sakura looked around the office soon to be her's as shizune already had another office "anyways I have my notepad with me, i'm just here today to meet my patients
and ask them some light questions to see what i'm working with".

"Yes, tsunade-sama always said you were a smart one. So I gave you very hard patients" shizune grabbed the keys for the door of the people she assigned Sakura to work with.

"Patients, you mean I have to meet people from more then one room?"

"No, no, these patients share a room. And yes before you ask they are the only one's the reason being, they only know how to keep the other calm, and it's only two" shizune explained making sakura give out a little 'oh' while she started following her new boss for the month.

She knocked on the door "naruto, sasuke, may I come in?" Shizune heard silence and unlocked the door to see the room empty "hm? They must be in the play area" she started walking again as sakura followed behind with a raised eye brow.

"So naruto and sasuke is their name, and what is this play area?" Sakura needed to ask these kind of questions even if they were simple if she was to fully work here she needed to learn everything about it.

"Yes, and don't worry their files are on the table in your office. The play area is basically like a giant living room or back yard where they can slowly progress in normal human life so the can live a bit normally while being treated" sakura nodded and wrote down the information.

They made it to the play area where there were quite a lot of patience "ah, there they are, naruto! sasuke! I have someone I want you too meet".

Sakura looked to where lady shizune was talking to and seen a fairly beautiful spikey blonde haired boy looking to be her age at around 19, he had a very patite and fragile looking body while his face was complex and was at a godly looking beauty standard, he also had 3 scar's on each side of his cheek like a cat or fox.

She than looked at the other patient and blushed lightly; he had a stoic expression, and looked like a mysterious man. He had charcoal eyes, light peach skin, raven blue hair that was slick back and spikey at the end. Unlike the blonde patient he looked like a total man, his muscles visible even with a shirt on and looked to be about 19 as well, all-in-all he was very handsome and definitely a chick magnet.

"Lady shizune, look what I made!" the blonde boy said holding up and paper with a very detailed drawing of her.

"That's amazing naruto! Getting better each passing day. Sasuke, how about you? I hope you didn't do anything bad".

"Don't worry lady shizune, he was a good boy!!" Naruto answered instead.

"That's great! Anyways meet sakura, she's my new apprentice and will be studying you guys for the month to earn her degree" shizune patted sakura on the shoulder while sakura bowed politely.

"What are we, experiments here?! Why does she need to study us out of everyone" sasuke said is a monotone voice.

"Sasuke, we wanted to give her a challenge, naruto?".

"Sasuke don't worry, she looks nice. Hi! I'm naruto, this is my husband sasuke, I hope your report goes well and we don't give you a hard time on anything" sakura smiled at the blonde.

"I'm sure everything will be perfect, I just want to ask you a couple of questions not anything serious, but light just to get thing's going lightly?".

"Sure! ask away" the blonde smiled as he snuggled up to sasuke while sasuke wrapped an arm around naruto's waist.

"So, naruto and sasuke! Hearing as you guys are married, have you guys adopted a child before coming here?".

The blonde shook his head "no, we don't really want children, our childhood wasn't really great so we didn't think we would be any good at being parents" sakura wrote that down and smiled.

"Ok, thank you for the extra information! do any of you have siblings?"

"Yeah! We have itachi-nii and kurama-nii" again the pen on sakura note pad started moving as she wrote down the much needed information.

"Great! On last question before we're done for the day, do any of you still have your parents with you?".

That when thing's went silent before sasuke started talking now "my parents are dead while naruto only has his mom left".

"Oh, i'm sorry; I didn't think it would be that personal, I just thought old age got to them kind of thing. But since that's all I wanted to ask for today, i'll head to my office and see you tomorrow" sakura left along with shizune.

"What happened to their parents if I may ask you? It's just doesn't seem like something they would answer me if I ask them instead".

Shizune sighed sadly "well as you can see, naruto is a bit obvious on the way he acts why he's here, but letting you know naruto has post traumatic stress disorder, and hyperactivity disorder. And sasuke, although he seems like any normal moody man he has bipolar disorder type 3" shizune frowned before continuing "and the reason for that is naruto's father was a physically and mentally abusive man who should never be called a father, and yes he had his mother and brother... The mother turned the blind eye afraid to also get hurt, while kurama would also get some hit's whenever he defended naruto, his father Minato was later on killed by sasuke when he found out minato was abusing naruto".

Sakura's eyes widened and she knew that shizune wasn't getting into clear detail but was only saying the stuff that was appropriate and so sakura wrote that down too.

"And sasuke *sigh* when his parents found out sasuke and naruto were dating they tried to separate them and that caused sasuke to a rage and he killed them too, he killed them the same way he did to minato.... By stabbing them in the chest multiple times and only stopped when he couldn't hear their breathing. That's why they must never be separated under any circumstances, if they did the consequences will be deadly; they are the only reason the other is sane right now" sakura couldn't believe this, this was a whole other level of traumatizing.

"My lady, I know you said they must never be separated, but with the notes I have now and what I have studied..I think separation is the best option, it seems like they are also the reason for the others insanity?".

"No, never! We have tried it once and it will never happen again, I know you want to do a part but just finished your report and graduate before having a say in something, trust me we tried everything, but with this we have to let nature run it's course" sakura wanted to say something but knew she couldn't so she agreed.


Naruto and sasuke where in their room, naruto cradled in sasuke's lap while sasuke hummed.

"Why don't you trust lady sakura? She has done no wrong" naruto suddenly asked.

"She gives me bad feeling, please love. For me, try to be more aware" sasuke said kissing naruto's temple, then cheek, nose, and finally lips.

Naruto nodded and finished his drawing with his crayon "hmm.. I wish I had color-pencil's or at least a regular pencil, drawing with a dull crayon makes my drawing look bad".

"I can ask itachi-nii when he visits tomorrow, then you can have nice colors for you to draw with" naruto looked at sasuke, eyes shimmering with happiness.

"Really?!" Sasuke smiled and nodded

"Of course, maybe by next week we'll have your pencils or color-pencil's in, so you don't have to draw with crayons" naruto squeaked with excitement.

"Thank you dear, Yay!"

They laid down and went to bed as it was now about 12:00 in the morning and the sun would start rising soon.

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