In School part 2

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As they where driving to school Snow was nervous in a couple of  days she was going to tell her best friend about her big secret her friend Emma glanced over at her and ask are you ok Snow. She couldn't turn her head seen's she was driving but she said yeah I am fine girl why Emma looked out the front window and saw that they where pulling up into the parking lot just you seem so dazed out Snow tried to think of something to say because she had a week left before she tells her friend. I just was thinking about if we had a test or not today Emma of course didn't realize anything  and told her no girl that's not for another 3 weeks then Emma laughed and so did Snow by the time they where laughing the girls where already parked they slowly started getting out and making there way inside where they would meet there other friends. But before they would do that the ball ring and they had to go to class Emma was not in the same class as Snow for first period so they had to say goodbye to one another then Snow made her way to first period she turned down a corridor and made sure no one was around then used her speed to run to class there where to balls a warning bell and the real bell and Snow just made it through  the door before the second one ring one of her other friends was in her class however so she set down next to her girl what took you so long her friend asked Snow answered with a sorry just Emma took a while to get dressed when I picked her up her other friend understood after all that was not the first time something like that had happened as the girls where talking the teacher walked in sorry class. I was running a little late the teacher set at his desk and the whole class stopped talking the teacher started to mark the list who was in class and who wasn't after that was done he put it on his desk and said class I will call you one by one to hand in your homework that I give out after the homework was collected he stood up and give each person who was setting in the front row an assignment as they started work the classroom want quiet. Snow started to feel dizzy after a while and raised her hand the teacher looked over yes Snow she put her hand down and said may I go to the ladies room I don't feel so good the  teacher said alright and she stood up and left the classroom but she didn't go to the ladies room she actually want outside she know that she started to feel dizzy because her smell senses started to go crazy after all she is a vampire as she want outside for a breath of fresh air seen's her first period class was on the first floor she didn't really need to walk that far to get outside she smelled a perfume she know at first she thought it was nothing but then her mom pulled up in her own car she smiled hey mom her mom also give her a smile but also I am sorry look hey sweetie I brought your lunch the maid made you yesterday you must have forgotten it Snow walked over to her mom's car and took the lunch thank mom she looked into her daughters eyes saying your senses going crazy again sweetie. Snow didn't want to respond but she did nod her head her mom give her a sorry look again saying don't worry it well pass but I have to go home now me and your father have a video call later Snow nodded her head and blow her mom a kiss as she started to walk back inside her mom said make sure you come home after school me and your father have something we need to talk to you about. Snow just said an ok and walked back inside as her mom drove back home but before she goes back to class she want to her locker to put the lunch away she had one more class to go to before her lunch time begin. As Snow walked back in to class and set back down beside her friend and she whispered you ok girl what took you so long so Snow only told half of the truth to her friend after class was done Snow and her friends walked to there second period class because all her friends had the same class for second period then the day pretty much want the same for the rest of the day but what was going to happen after school would never be expected.

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