How To Get A Manga Book Early Part 1

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It was around 6 pm and Dazai plus Chuuya were hanging on their apartment. The girls were nowhere to be seen, maybe they just playing at their bedroom.

Or is it?


The girls were running towards their dad's motorbike and quickly hopped on. Jun started the bike while Nami hugged her sibling to make sure she doesn't fall down.

Then, they started their journey towards the city.


The duo were hanging out at their bedroom, minding their own business. Nami was scrolling through her phone while Jun was reading a book.

It was calm until Nami suddenly scream in surprised, making Jun dropped her book to the ground. She then looked towards Nami.

Jun: Nami, are you okay? * concerned *

Nami: * squealing in anime * OH MY GOD, THEY RELEASED IT TODAY!

Jun: What released are you talking about? * confused *


Jun: * shocked * REAL NOW?!

Nami shook her head eagerly while Jun got up from her seat.

Jun: Where?! * excited *

Nami: Not too far from the cafe where dad and pops always drink coffee! We must get there before its sold out. * grabs her favorite jacket from the chair *

Jun: Got it! * grabs her coat *

The siblings went downstairs where they saw their dad was speaking with someone on the phone. However, their pops was nowhere to be seen. Probably taking a shower perhaps.

They put on their shoes before Jun telling Dazai that they will go out to get the manga book, which he nodded.

He also told them they can use their pop's motorbike, without even thinking. The girls nodded before exited the apartment.


Right now, Chuuya have finished with his bath and wear his clothes before he went to the living room.

He saw Dazai but he didn't saw any signs of his daughters. Chuuya then ask Dazai.

Chuuya: Hey Dazai, have you seen our daughters?

Dazai: Yeah, Jun told me they went out to buy a manga book for themselves. * looking at Chuuya *

Chuuya then got confused. The city is a bit far, how will Nami and Jun arrive there if there's no vehicle?


Chuuya: Dazai, do you accidentally let our kids walked with their feet to the city? * curious *

Dazai: No, I let them drive your bike to get to the city faster - * realize his mistake* Oh no....

Dazai slowly turn his head towards Chuuya's direction and started to panic. Meanwhile, Chuuya looks  about to lose his crap at that moment.

Chuuya: * angry * DAZAI YOU LITTLE SHI -

To Be Continued... :)

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