Part 15 - Stairway To Heaven

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"Right on time, as always" Tony comments when he opens the door to see Natasha.

"I like to be precise" she shrugs.

"I like that about you" he opens the door further for her to come in.

"Oh, I know" she smirks.

"Nothing gets past you, does it?" he closes the door and looks at her intensely.

"That's what I'd like to think" she leans against a wall with crossed arms.

"Anything else that you picked up that you want to share with me?" he slowly walks closer to her.

"A thing or two, but I think I'll keep them to myself" she smirks.

"Come on, Nat. We've shared worse things than a simple observation" he tilts his head, very close to her.

"Fine" she says and he raises his eyebrows.

She looks around for a couple of seconds as he rests his hand on the wall next to her head to lean on it.

"You haven't offered me a drink yet, which is surprising. But what's even more surprising is that you seem unusually sober" she makes him chuckle with her words.

"And what does that tell you?" he asks.

"My best guess is that for some reason you're in a hurry" she says with half closed eyes like she's reading him.

"Truth be told, I'd like it if we skipped the small talk" he confesses.

"Why are you rushing, Stark?" she asks seductively as her hands touch his chest and slowly move lower.

"I'm not rushing, I just want to take my time in the bedroom. You see, I have things in mind" he says deeply and places a kiss right under her ear.

"What things?" she almost sounds like she's moaning.

Her hands have reached his lower stomach and they carefully brush over his V-lines, feeling the perfectly soft silk material of his shirt. She hears him exhaling deeply when she puts her hands on the waistline of his pants and pulls him right into her body.

"Let's go upstairs and I'll show you" he speaks with difficultly.

"Let's see what all this fuzz is about" she lets go of him and takes a few steps towards the stairs.

Before she can get far, Tony stretches his arm and pulls her back into his arms. Both their hearts are racing. Each one more emotional than the other. His other hand reaches her face, placing his palm on her cheek and his index finger on her lips.

"Not so easy" he says before pulling her in for a kiss.

His lips mash against hers and his hands passionately hold her still into his body. She can feel all of his erection poking against her and all of his passion in the way he kisses her. They're practically breathless when Tony pulls back from the kiss.

"D*mn" she gasps for air instantly.

"I'm very emotionally charged tonight, Ms. Romanoff. I hope you are ok with spicing things up a bit" he says, also panting.

"Can't wait" she smiles.

He looks at her, smirks, and then looks at the stairs. Natasha gets the message and walks towards them one more time. Halfway up the steps he stops her again and pins her between his body and the handrail.

"There's a dress code for the bedroom. Or maybe an undress code. No one gets in there dressed as much as you are right now" he says.

"Does that count for you, too?" she asks, bringing her fingers to his top button.

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