"Well, when you coming home Mama? Auntie Black is here."

"I'm not coming home ever."

They gasped, "For real Mama?!"

"I'm just playing."

"You're gonna get beat when you get here 'cause why are you lying?" Ivory had her hand over her heart.

"I'll see you when I get home."

"I'll be waiting at the door."

"Love you," I blew her kisses and they all blew them back, shouting love you right back. I let them hang up the phone.

I sat back and played some Whitney Houston. She always put me in a better mood and made me think with my feelings.

I didn't want to, but I had to talk to Black. I wasn't as angry as everyone expected me to be. We were sisters, they were my blood, and we'd get through this just like anything else. They'd put themselves in Onika's shoes instead of mine, and that was a mistake, but a mistake that I could get over. There had been bigger issues, much bigger than this.

When I got home, the girls were genuinely waiting at the door for me. Ivory was their ring leader, her arms crossed over her chest, her foot tapping the floor when she saw my car. They didn't even wait for me to get out. As soon as I opened the door, they were there, in my way.

They were annoying, but they were mine, and I'd take this annoyance over being behind bars any day.

"We had to snitch Mama."

I shook my head, "I thought we talked about this."

"We did!" Cetiri yelled then saw Onika standing on the porch. All three of them huddled closer, "We did, but she asked Mama, and we couldn't lie. That's bad right? We did good?"

"Y'all did great. Go play."

Onika was coming as soon as the girls walked off. I didn't want to talk to her but whatever would get her out of my face quicker.

"Hi," She crossed her arms, her heavy breasts pouring out of that fabric she called a shirt. She knew my weaknesses and there was no doubt in my mind that she knew what she was doing.

But I tried my best and ignored those. "Hey," I replied, gathering my things from the passenger seat.

"I'm making Swai tonight."

"That's fine. Thank you."

She stood there, wouldn't move even when I had all my things in hand.

"You need something?" I asked her.

She sighed, "How long are we going to do this? I know I messed up, but I miss you baby."

"Who knows? Maybe indefinitely."

She looked like someone had physically assaulted her. Like someone had stabbed a hole in her heart and just kept twisting, twisting, twisting.

I wanted her to feel like that, needed her to actually. Or she would never get it. It was cruel punishment, but what she had done was crueler.

I had felt crazy, felt guilty, felt so low about everything I had no answers to. I had the answers now, and those low feelings had perished. I was simply making Onika pay for the hurt she had caused and the things she had done. If she decided this was too much, I was taking it too far, and she gave up trying, she wouldn't become a wife. At least not to Beyoncé Knowles.

She would have to fight the way I had for her. Tirelessly. If she couldn't handle it, she didn't deserve me.

Therapy had done wonders for my worth. Ms. Nash would have a field day with Onika.

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