"I'm a little worried..."

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Diona and Qiqi both met up near Springvale, after Qiqi begged and begged Baizhu to go visit Mondstadt. Diona waved high with a big grin on her face, signaling for Qiqi to come over. "Qiqi!! It's so nice to see you again!" She gave Qiqi a big hug and squeezed her tight. "Yeah.. it feels nice to see Diona.. after such a long time.." Diona let go of her, took her hand, and they began walking toward Mondstadt city.

When they arrived, Diona introduced her to Sara at Good Hunter and ordered some food for them. "Is it good, Qiqi?" Qiqi nodded, as she took a big bite of the sticky honey roast Diona bought for them. They finished shortly after, and made their way to the Knights of Favonius headquarters. Diona approached a knight standing near the Solitary Confinement room. "Hello, sir!" the knight saluted her and greeted her back, "Do you know where the Spark Knight might be?" she asked, pointing to the door. "No, actually, I haven't seen her in a long time." She frowned and looked back at Qiqi, walking away with her. As she opened the doors to leave, she let out a heavy sigh. "I was really hoping we could play today..." Qiqi put her hand on her shoulder consoling her. "I'm sure she'll be here next time." Diona looked up at Qiqi, her face lighting up a bit. "Yeah, but Klee is rarely out..." Diona held Qiqi's hand as they walked away from the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. "Oh man... I'm a little worried..."

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