"it's probably nothing."

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Jean was reading papers and letters from the citizens of Mondstadt in her office, writing them back and answering their questions when she heard a knock on the door, "Come in!" she yelled out, and in came Lisa. "Jean, have you been hearing sounds coming from the solitary confinement room lately?" Jean stopped writing, and looked up at Lisa with a puzzled expression. "No, not really..." Jean looked back down at her desk. "Actually, lately I've come to feel I'm forgetting something..." Lisa smiled at her. "You never know, you might've forgotten something important while overworking yourself." Jean chuckles nervously. "Haha, you never know..." Lisa turned around and walked to the door. "See you Jean, let me know if you need something." Jean waved at her, and continued her work when she opened the door and exited. "Am I forgetting something...?" She shook her head, "Ah, silly me, no way I'd forget something so major." she sat her pen down, stood up and put her jacket on ready to call it a night.

As she turned her bedroom light off and covered herself in her blanket she whispered, "It's probably nothing."

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