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Let's clarify a few things, I accept your opinions, if they are good and don't change much the plan I already have in the story, I can make the changes you ask for.

1- I'm going to implement TBATE antagonists so that the 3 demons have some "competition". Sure, they won't have powers or anything like that.

2- They will explain the entire S-system on the first day.

3- Never pay much attention to the rules of the special exams so sometimes I will simplify or create my own special exams.

4- I'm not very up to date with Tomodachi Game, I mean, I'm up to date, but half of the chapters are not translated, so I don't know a damn about Yuuichi's past, so I'll make a story based on what I could barely understand.


Kiyotaka x Kei (decided, I'm not going to change it)

Yuuichi x Siho? Make suggestions, at first I thought to put Suzune so that she has more relevance in the story, but you choose.

Arthur x Caera (Yes, although I plan to make Arthur be with other women before being with Caera, this is because of Arthur's mental problems, don't worry, I'm not going to make him look like a disgusting womanizer, those women won't be relevant, I don't plan for you to be either women be part of the Kiyotaka canon harem so some fans won't be offended but they will be from the cote verse)

6- The 3 will have the T-Rex of the same size.

7- Although Arthur will be the main character, I plan to make arcs where one stands out more than another and so, for example, an arc dedicated to the development of KiyoKei, obviously Kiyotaka will stand out more than Arthur and so on.

8- Arthur will help Kiyotaka to express himself, but don't worry, I'm not going to make a Kiyotaka like in Cote's manga, he will still have problems expressing himself, he will only show his emotions when they are very strong, for example, he will smile when he feels extremely happy (something that I don't think happens much in this work, 90% of those smiles will be for Kei)

9- Amasawa will be Kiyotaka's sister, she will see Yuuichi as her best friend (this is because they both have that kind of mocking personality) and she will see Arthur as her crush, but nothing to see, she does not feel real love for him, only attraction for his attractiveness .

10- They will be in class D, but at their own request, to have fun destroying those who think they are too much.

11- Lemon in the future~ 🍋

12- Also some characters may have OC history.

13- If I make some characters OOC I'll make sure to justify it.


- Prodigy_Asura.

Bye~ 🚶🏻‍♂️

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