Another One.

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Dark: Hey Sabre.

Sabre: Yes Dark.

Dark: Do want to hangout later.

Sabre: Sure.

Dark: Great.

Nightmare: What the heck Dark.

Dark: What?

Shadow: Someone's Jelly.

Nightmare: NO I'M NOT!

Dark: Nightmare we can hangout later.

Nightmare: No...

Void: You're not going out with him Dark.

Dark: Yes I am.

Reverse: No.

Dark: Yes.

Sabre: Another One...TwT

Soul: Another one of what?

Orange: Simp.💢

Nightmare: Oh god... Dark is a... SABRE SIMP!!

Sabre: TwT

Shadow: ... What... the... heck... is... That...NAME NIGHTMARE!

Nightmare: Sabre simp they're all simps for Sabre so why not Sabre simp.

Dark: I am not a SIMP!

Corruption: YES YOU ARE DARK!

Dark: NO I'M NOT!

Dark and Corruption kept texting so they crashed the GC.

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