
164 5 0

Sabre: Boop.

Orange: Bap.

Shadow: Beep.

Sabre: Boop Beep.

Soul: What is going on?

Dark: They have been like this since this morning.

Corruption: God this is really annoying.

Nightmare: tell me about it.

 Sabre: BAAAAP!

Sol: No Sabre you can't do that.

Sabre:  :( 

Sol: To bad.

Void: What did he say?

Sol: That me wanted to kill someone.

Void: Oh...

Sabre: Beep XD

Shadow: You good Sabre.

Sabre: 👍

Orange:  That's good.

Sol: I Think it's time for bed now right Sabre.

Sabre: 👍

Sol: Go get ready then.

Sabre: Boop. 

Shadow: He needs sleep anyways.

Orange: Are we going to have another Sabre simp.

Sabre: No.

Sol: Sab bed.

Sabre: Oki.

Shadow: Night Sabre.

Sol: No fighting while he's sleeping got it.

Void: Yup.

Reverse: ^^^^^

TFC: ^^^^^

Dark: ^^^^^^^

Nightmare: ^^^^^^

Sol: Good. 

Sol closed the GC for people to sleep. He is not a Sabre simp and never will be.

Rainbow Quest GC (Villains Only)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ