"let me through!" mingi pushes his hyung to the side and unlocks the door, immediately making his way through the kitchen and down the hallway to yuna's room.

upon opening her door, he finds her on her knees in front of the window, phone on the window sill, quietly mumbling incoherently.

"yuna!" the rapper drops to her side, yunho on her other, studying her face closely. "she's asleep." he realises. the both of them begin vigorously shaking her body, "yuna, wake up! it's just a dream, nana. it's not real." he whispers, hugging her close to his chest.

"yuna? please, wake up." yunho grabs her face, pulling her eyelids up, something that had never failed to wake her. with one last shake of her shoulders, her body jumps as she wakes, her hand flying to slap yunho across the face, seemingly instinctively.

he winces slightly at the sting but quickly composes himself as his sister tries to escape mingi's hold, clearly unsure of what was going on.

"it's okay, yuna. it's just me." mingi whispers. taking her face into his hands and forcing her to look at him, he begins to calm the girl down, her confused grunts and growls quickly reducing to scared whimpers and sobs. "i've got you now, okay? he can't hurt you while i'm here."

"he was right there! he was right in front me, i could see him right there!" she cries pointing behind mingi's body at the window.

"he's gone now, yuna. he can't hurt you here, okay?" yunho whispers, his eyes watering at the sight of his sister.

the bags under her eyes were unbelievably dark, almost like they were bruising. there was only one other time he'd seen her eyes so tired and that was many years ago, when she suffered from nightmares as a kid and had developed a fear of falling asleep.

his own eyes widen in realisation as he stands to carefully make his way to his hyung. "hyung," yunho whispers, grabbing seonghwa's arm gently, "i need to talk to you. and you too." he takes hongjoong's arm in his other hand, pulling the two older males out of the room so they could talk privately.

yeosang kneels by her side once she'd calmed down enough, "do you need anything, yuna? maybe a glass of water or something to eat?" he grips her arm gently as she turns her head toward him.

"a glass of water, please," yeosang nods, letting go of her as he stands, "thank you, sangie."

mingi beckons the remaining three members over to help him gently lift her onto her bed, jongho sitting beside her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "i'm really sorry that i told you to talk to someone else. i probably could've helped you a little." he whispers.

her brows furrow as she turns to face him, "what do you mean? i didn't talk to you?" she looks around at the boys, seemingly confused, "i didn't talk to any of you. how did you know i was having a nightmare?"

mingi sighs, realising she must've texted them in her sleep. he explains everything that had happened, yuna listening carefully as he speaks.

"and then you said he was right at your window. right in front of you." she nods as he finishes, his hand gently caressing her knee, "you don't remember any of it, do you?"

she shakes her head slowly before thanking them all for coming.

"of course, nana. whenever you need us, for whatever reason, we'll be there. anytime, anywhere, anything, just say the word." san pats her head softly as she smiles at him.

the oldest three return, making their way to stand in front of yuna almost as though they were giving a class presentation.

"how're you feeling? any better?" seonghwa asks.

yuna nods, smiling weakly at him, "much."

"you haven't been sleeping. have you?" yunho suddenly questions her, squatting to look into her eyes.

if it wasn't her brother interrogating her, she would've done everything she could to avoid the cold look in his eyes, knowing whatever he was feeling was something only she made him feel. she didn't know what that feeling was but anytime he expressed it, it always scared her so much, she couldn't avoid or disobey him if she tried.

it could've been some kind of anger or brotherly protectiveness, she didn't care.

it was terrifying.

"no, i haven't." she replies meekly.

he huffs, standing up and rolling his eyes.

"yunho, calm down." hongjoong grips the dancer's arm as he turns away from his sister, the anger and sadness bubbling in him too much for him to handle.

he wasn't mad at her, he'd never been mad at her. he was mad that he didn't know how to help her, that he couldn't be there for her the way he believed a brother should be. these nightmares weren't something he could make a joke about, drawing a laugh from yuna and be done with and he didn't know what he was supposed to do.

"we were talking and yunho thinks that it'd be best if..." seonghwa glances at yunho, looking for any signs of change in his decision but when yunho nods quickly, seonghwa sighs, "if either you come to live with us or, if he or mingi comes to live with you. just for a few weeks, maybe a few months. only until you can sleep better or until these nightmares stop."

all eyes fall onto yuna, patiently waiting for some kind of reaction. she looks up at her brother who had turned back around, his expression softened, worry etched onto his features.

"o-okay. yeah." she nods hesitantly, swallowing nervously as yunho sighs in relief.

"well, it's up to you," hongjoong starts, gesturing to the girl, "you wanna stay here or come live with us?"

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