Hσɯ Yσυ Fҽҽʅ 4

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I feel heavy on my tummy, I immediately look at zee's hand, he even changed my uniform to sleeping clothes, I'm very tired yesterday, dunk and I are doing nothing but too study in library, we don't even have much time to eat lunch. I slowly put my finger on his nose and slide my fingers down his lips. He's so handsome even when he's just sleeping. A smile came out from my face, this guy beside me was mine, I can't believe that this handsome man was mine," he's too perfect there's no right words to say how handsome he is, and I'm quite happy that I owned him, I owned this man.

Good morning, nuw. He smiled and kissed my forehead, I closed my eyes, and his hugged tighten around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

We have to wake up now, zee. I'm leaving early today because Dunk and I have something to finish; I said, he pouted his lips, so I laughed on his reaction such a cutie.

I have good news nuw;” He said and sat on our bed, I sat down to face him.

About your new project? What did P'Off say? I asked patiently, I'm kinda excited for him, he's smiling very wide and handed me the white envelope, Although I'm a bit confused, I still accepted that envelope and opened it, my eyes widened because of what I saw woahhhhh.... he's going to debut as an actor.

Woahhhhhhh, zee, finally, this is it. You're finally doing a series!" I happily jumped on him and hugged him tightly. He did the same. It's been his dream to act, and finally, this is it. It's going to happen soon.

This is it, nuw. I'm finally doing a series. Thank you for always beside me. You're my inspiration, my Nunew!" He says, I smile at him and give him a quick kiss, this is a good morning ended.

We should stand up and shower now so we can eat outside before I go to university, we have to celebrate this!" He happily nodded at me,I immediately went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. it was such a nice day today.

(“ ZEE POV ”)

Nuw and I are here at the restaurant near the university, I already told him that I can't go to the university today because me and P'Off will meet with the director and he's okay with it, he said it's my first series so he expected that, we 're ordering something when I spotted Earn, what is she doing here at these hours?

Hey, earn!" I called her, nuw looked at who I called, earn eyes widened when she saw me here.

Good morning, P'zee!" She happily greeted me. her eyes dropped on nuw, and nuw did they same on her.

Nuw this is earn, She will be with me in the series, earn this is nuw my; I didn't finish my words I was about to say when nuw cut me off and his answer puzzled me.

I'm nunew, P' Zee's friends!" he said i was looking at him with confusion, but he just smiled at me.

Nice meeting you nunew, Hey!! P'zee, your friend was too handsome if P'Off saw him. He probably ask him to act too!" I still haven't taken my eyes off to him. Why is he introducing himself as my friend if he is my boyfriend.

Hehehe, I'm an engineering student earn. ahmm, I'm not into acting and anything else!" He answered," Earn in his polite manners. "He tapped my hands under the table, so I looked at him, and he smiled at me.

I see, you're so handsome nunew, that's why I can see that your face was Belong to acting or singing probably both!" Earn said he just smiled at earn, I invite earn to eat with us, Nuw's phone rang suddenly, I saw dunk was the one calling him.

Excuse me, my friend was calling. I'll just answer this for a moment!" I nodded at him, and he immediately stood up.

P'zee, he's so cute. Can I have his number, please?" Earn say's excitedly I shook my head, I'm kinda possessive person when it comes to him and he is the same towards me, besides our friends no one knows much about our contact numbers.

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