Chapter 6

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Omniscient P.O.V

After a few hours of the incident, Hiccup was panicking, strolling up and down in the waiting room, millions of thoughts going around his head. The receptionist had told him he could see Astrid in half an hour but it's been way longer than that. He couldn't sit still, the thought of Astrid being badly injured killed him inside. He stormed up to the desk, slamming his fist on the side. "How long is this going to take?!" he shouted at the girl behind the desk. While he was agitated, she stayed completely calm. "Sir, please calm down." He grabbed his hair is frustration, pulling slightly. "How can I calm down?! My girlfriend is unconscious with a deep cut on the side of her head!" The girl at the desk quickly typed something into the computer, scanning the screen for information. "You can go see her now, room 375, floor 20." Hiccup glared at her obviously not listening to what she had to say. "When can I go...wait what did you say?" he asked. The woman sighed before repeating, "Room 375, floor 20. Take the elevator or the stairs." Hiccup's eyes widen before sprinting down the corridor, getting to the elevator in the fastest running speed possible or that's how it felt like anyway. He quickly jumped in and pressed the button that said 20 on it. After a few seconds, the doors opened revealing a whole new floor. There will people sitting on chairs, waiting to be seen. On a sign it said 'rooms 370 to 375'. Hiccup kept following the signs until he came by Astrid's door. He quickly looked into the window and sure enough, there was Astrid lying unconscious in the hospital bed. Hiccup breathed deeply, calming himself a little before entering the room. He shut the door gently as possible then walked over to the chair that was right next to her bed. "Oh gods," he whispered. He buried his head in his hands, peeking up to see the frail body not moving. "Astrid wake up, please, what happened to you. I wish I could swap places with you; you don't deserve to be there in that bed. I should..." he couldn't finish when he burst into tears, staining the sheets on the bed. He quickly wiped his tears away, grabbing Astrid's hand in both of his. Suddenly the door swung open and in came a doctor with a clip board in his hand. "Oh, hello," he said while noticing Hiccup. "You must be Astrid's boyfriend, correct?" Hiccup nodded. "Well I have very disappointing news about Astrid. Since the cut on her head was so deep, it caused her to go into a coma otherwise known as a deep, deep sleep. There is a slight chance that she might wake up but there is a bigger chance that she will not. I hope she does. I'm sorry," he then left, leaving the 2 alone. Hiccup sighed sadly when he heard the news, but he knew Astrid was strong and he would be here for when she wakes up.

It had been a full month, (A/N: sorry for the HUGE time skip) since Astrid had been in the coma for the first time. Hiccup was there every day and night, waiting for her to wake up. He hardly ate, drank or slept. He had lost a lot of weight but still wasn't too skinny. It was currently a school day, Thursday actually, and of course the school had allowed Hiccup to stay with Astrid until she woke up. Astrid's auntie had come in every other day only because she had her work to do. But, Hiccup had promised as soon as Astrid wakes up, he will call her. The school had sent Hiccup some work but he had just thrown it in the bin. He had no time to do stupid work, plus he didn't care about school until he got together with Astrid. The doctors had said that when they unplug the machine that helps her breath, she should be able to breathe again on her own. If she doesn't she will die. They're doing it today actually; Hiccup was just waiting for them.

Hiccup's eyes snapped open to the sound of the door opening. 'I must have fallen asleep,' he thought. The doctor gestured to the plug of the machine and Hiccup nodded. He switched it off, both of them watching Astrid's chest. After a few seconds nothing happened but they gasped when they saw her chest rise up and down on its own. Hiccup let out a breath that he didn't even realise he was holding. The doctor smiled while going out of the room, taking the machine with him. Hiccup checked the time on his phone. It was 10pm, jeez how long was he asleep? "Come on, Astrid, I need you awake. I can't and won't do anything without you. I can't imagine my life without you. Without you in my life, I will be...nothing." Hiccup sighed 50% sure that he wasn't going to get an answer. Hopefully she wakes up soon, he thought then rested his forehead on the bed and fell asleep.

Sorry for short chapter guys, I'm trying not to rush it but tell me if you want Astrid to wake up soon or in a few chapters. Tell me in comments or pm me so other readers won't know. You guys are amazing! Till next time...

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