Start from the beginning

"Hey! That's Kise Ryota!"

In thirty seconds a crowd of girls surrounds your table to ask the blond guy for photos and autographs. You have never felt so out of place and the same goes for Moriyama, that stands up with a disappointed look after collecting his things. Terribly sorry for all the times he's been ignored and also eager to leave that crowd, you follow him out of the fast food and catch his attention.

"Ehm, Moriyama-san?" – the boy turns to look at you, confused to see that you haven't stayed there with Kise. – "Would you like to take a walk with me? We could have an ice cream since we haven't eaten all our food."

His eyes brighten up and a smile shows on his face.

"Yes, with great pleasure. Would you mind?" – he asks giving you his arm.

You still struggle to get used to his gallant gestures, but you have to admit that it's not bad to know that he's a romantic and old-fashioned boy: there are only few like him around. You accept his arm and you walk together around the streets of Tokyo, stopping at an ice cream shop to properly end your meals. You enter the shop together and the two workers get ready to serve you.

"A strawberry and lemon cone, please."

You both stare at each other wide eyed as you notice that you've just pronounced the exact same words. Surprise leaves its place to a smile, and a blush of pink colours your cheeks.

"Awww, you're such a cute couple!" – one of the workers exclaims, making your face go even redder. None of you has enough breath to tell the truth, so you take your ice creams – that Moriyama insisted to pay for – and you head towards a park to eat more comfortably.

After a few minutes of silence, Moriyama starts a conversation.

"And so, strawberry and lemon is your favourite pairing as well, huh?"

"Yes. I've been choosing it since I was little, I've rarely ordered anything different."

Now that Moriyama has broken the ice, you feel more confident to talk about something a bit more serious.

"As I haven't heard your opinion, what do you think about the basketball championship so far?"

"Thanks for asking; it's been intense but great, I would say. As I'm in my last year, I tried to enjoy every second of it, and I'll do the same for the winter matches as well."

"It's not easy to realize that in a few months you'll leave high school and begin a new chapter of your life. Do you have any plans? Would you like to continue playing basketball?"

"I'll probably still play basketball as a hobby, but professionally I'd like to become an architect. Don't get me wrong, not one of those old stale architects: I want to be creative and create fantastic buildings that no one has ever seen before!"

"It's a great dream, I can picture you in front of a construction site with an incredible project in your hands!"

"And what about you? I guess you're in first year just like your friend, but do you have a dream to make true once you've finished high school?"

"Yes, I'm in first year, and yes, I have a dream. I'd love to become a (dream job)!"

"That's beautiful, I wasn't expecting it! And do you have any passion that you carry on in your free time?"

"I do, I love playing futsal! I managed to form a team with other girls from my school and I must say that we're doing pretty well."

"Futsal?! I can't believe it, it's my favourite sport together with basketball! Every time I get the chance I immediately rush to the court!" – he enthusiastically exclaims.


"Yes! We could meet and play together one day! I mean, only if you'd like to."

"Of course I would, I'm always in for a good match!"

You lose yourselves talking about futsal and all your passions, finding out that you have more things in common than you would have imagined. When you exchange phone numbers and say goodbye to each other in the late afternoon, you can't help but smile thinking about your meeting. Moriyama, that was already resigned to seeing Kise take every single female human away from him, was delighted to see that you, a gorgeous girl, took an interest in him. And you, that didn't have any expectation about today's date, thank yourself for choosing to show up: in the end, going to a double date with Kise Ryota and his teammate hasn't been a bad idea. Moreover, strawberry and lemon go really well with each other, don't they?

Song used in the title: Be my fairytale - Moira Dela Torre

(ENG) KUROKO NO BASKET ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now