I frown a bit. "What were you guys doing out in the woods alone?"

"Never leave a member behind," he says definitively as if it's the law. 

"Okay... what's this thing you found in the woods? Do you think it'll help us find Will?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" I push. "You should tell the police or at least Jonathan and Joyce," I nag.

"Please!" he squeaks, his face flaring a bright pink. "Just... meet me at the Wheeler house tomorrow morning, okay? Nine AM sharp."

I force a smile. I'm worried about him, but I want him to feel like I believe in him. Besides, I'm sure it's just an animal or something they found in the woods that they need help returning. A raccoon, or a squirrel, maybe? Perhaps Will dropped something when whoever took him got him and they're too scared to turn it into the police alone. My mind sorts through the probabilities until a honk outside startles me.

I stand, peeking out the window, and hone in on Steve's car parked in our driveway. I can see his arm sticking out the driver's side window with a cigarette between his fingers. God, I could really go for one of those right now, I gush internally, licking my lips. I briefly reminisce about the buzz of nicotine and an empty head when Dustin pushes his way between my arms to take a look as well.

"No fucking way, is that Steve Harrington?" Dustin squeals loudly like a bird that's been shot. Steve's head snaps in our direction, our eyes locking for a brief moment. How did he hear that? I look down and see that my window is cracked just a little bit. Oh shit. I slam it closed, slapping my hand onto Dustin's mouth, forcing him away from the window.

"Shh! Please do not tell your mom," I beg. He wriggles against my hand, writhing out of my grip.

"You said you were spending the night at Barbara's!" Dustin complains.

I fold my arms across my chest. "I am."

"Liar!" the boy analyzes, pointing a finger at me.

"Fine, you got me. Nothing serious. I'm going to a party with Nancy, Barb and a few of their friends. Please don't say anything." 

"Since when are you friends with Nancy?" he snorts.

"What, I can't have friends?" I rebute. 

"Well..." Dustin begins mischievously. Oh no. I know that face. "I don't think Mom would like you going out to a party, especially this late. I could turn my head the other way for the right price..."

"Little shit," my laugh collapses into a sigh. Then, I have a breakthrough. "Ah! I'll buy you a 3-Musketeers candy bar tomorrow!" I offer excitedly.

Dustin grins. "King size?"

"Of course, King size."


We shake hands. I giggle, beginning to leave my room when Dustin says,

"And it's our mom,"

I pause at the door, gripping its handle tightly. I twist to look at Dustin. "What?" I breathe.

"She's our mom. Not just mine," he tells me, walking to my side. He looks up at me. "you're my sister now."

Tears prick my eyes. I pull the boy into a hug to avoid him witnessing the single tear roll down my cheek. My heart feels full yet broken at the same time. My world is being built and torn down at once, leaving me stranded in an endless nothingness. Infinity, I remind myself. I kiss the top of Dustin's head. We stand like this for a while before I remember Steve and Nancy are waiting for me outside. I give my little brother a big squeeze before leaving.

sh; it started with a cigaretteWhere stories live. Discover now