The Big Zam's Last Stand

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With the battle on earth going well, the Federation plan an assault on the Zeon space Fortress of Solomon. Experienced pilot Sleggar Law is White Base, which played a key role in the operation, Amuro among side the Reds and Blues have a victory chance of winning.

Sleggar to Amuro: Amuro! We'll be in the thick of it soon feeling better after taking a rest..?

Amuro to Sleggar: I didn't need one..

Sleggar to Amuro: yeah? good for you keep it up, kid..

Amuro to Sleggar: Sleggar..

Sleggar to Amuro: what..?

Amuro to Sleggar: can you please knock it off with the kids stuff..

Sleggar to Amuro: hahaha.. sorry, can't help myself..

Sarge came in.

Sarge: man, it seems that the enemy is ready to engage us..

Sleggar to Sarge: sure thing..

Amuro to Sarge: yes sir..

Everyone was getting ready to launch and engaged enemy mobile.

After being launched from White Base, they were greeted to a whole swarm of Zaku's and Dom's coming towards them.

RCX-76-01B Guncannon Firepower Test Type, RCX-76-01A Guncannon Mobility, RX-77 Guncannon Hayato Unit fired their weapons at every single one of the enemy mobile gotta on their way to pieces.

RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom, RGC-80S GM Cannon Space Assault Type, FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam attacking and destroying enemy forces to clearing a path for the Federation forces.

Amuro inside of the cockpit of the Gundam still had feeling like something big was coming.

at the space Fortress of Solomon MA-08 Big Zam was ready to be launched and destroy the Federation forces.

Dozle Zabi was the one piloting MA-08 Big Zam to see how good the two Gundams against a giant mobile suit.

Dozle: no choice but to throw ourselves into the thick of it.

Dozle: I'll blast through with Big Zam!!

Dozle Zabi was the piloting MA-08 Big Zam used its Mega particle beam cannons destroyed many forces of the Federation mobile suits turning them into nothing more than dust particle..

Dozle: how pathetic to see that these so-called Mobile Suit can compare to my Big Zam...

Captain Bright among side the rest of the crew the White Base could detect the Big Zam coming their way.

Tucker and Amuro inside of the two Gundams units felt presence of the Big Zam coming towards them.

The rest of the Reds and blues realize that they couldn't stand a chance against giant mobile suits like the big Sam so they decided to take care of the rest of the enemy mobile suits.

Big Zam finally came in and shot it Mega beam Cannon directly at every single Federation ship and forces well destroying them into millions of pieces.

Tucker communications: holy Jesus.. look at the size of that freaking mobile suit!?

Amuro communications: don't underestimate it by size even something big like this as a weak spot..

Tucker to Amuro on communications: well I really hope.. you're right against something big as this..

Sleggar to Amuro on communications: okay let's do this Chief petty officer Amuro...

Amuro to Sleggar on communications: Roger that.. on what are you planning, lieutenant..?

Sleggar to Amuro on communications: planning, gimme a break.. Once the mug field kicks in, I'll power my way in and hit'em.. if my team can doesn't work then use the gundams being rifle and saber...

Amuro to Sleggar on communications: but lieutenant Sleggar..!!

Sleggar to Amuro on communications: we don't got time to think!! we have to stop this thing, now!!

Tucker to Amuro on communications: he's right... this thing is definitely coming towards us, it's our only option...

The corefighter that was piloted by Sleggar was dodging each and every one of the beam blasts that were coming from the Big Zam.

Sleggar: oh boy, but you're going to have to do a lot better than that.. give me some cover, little gundams I'm going in!!

The corefighter among size two gundams backing up for some cover.

Sleggar: it'll take more than that to stop me! Hraaahhh!!!

And with that the corefighter slammed itself in the behind of the mobile suit of the big Sam causing enough damage.

Amuro and Tucker inside the two gundams knew his sacrifice wasn't in vain, but knew that he actually created a weak point inside that giant mobile suit.

The two gundams were firing at the Big Zam with their beam rifles spinning around it confusing the giant mobile suits pilot giving enough damage within the Giant mobile suit for to cause enough damage.

Amuro inside of the cockpit of the RX-78-2 Gundam lunch the beam saber in the forehead of the Big Zam.

Dozle shock and disbelief: what!? How... How could my Big Zam be destroyed by two single mobile suits..!?

Amuro inside of the cockpit of the RX-78-2 Gundam saw bullets firing from Dozle inside of his pilot suit with a machine gun.

Dozle: For the glory of Zeon, and by my honor, I won't let you destroy me!! I won't let you!!!

Amuro in confusion: who is this guy..?

Before Amuro couldn't say anything about him and Tucker saw something supernatural of some spirit coming from within the machine and look like a specter of some sort.

Amuro in horror: what's that!?

Tucker in shocked and horror: what the hell.. a g-g-ghost!?

However the Big Zam exploded with the two gundams getting away from the explosion without any harm.

The Reds and Blues and the crew of White Base celebrated for the destruction of the Big Zam.

The two gundams return back the hangar Bay of White Base.

Amuro and Tucker had a lot of questions on what exactly just happened it felt different compared to the previous battles.

With Amuro and Fraw Bow we're having their own conversation.

Amuro: that guy never changes..

Fraw to Amuro: sometimes it's scares me, how quickly you've grown up..

Amuro to Fraw with confusion: Huh..?

Fraw to Amuro: Don't worry, I wouldn't take you any other way. but we all have to grow up, right..?

Amuro to Fraw: I know..

With Tucker couldn't help, but pondered on a lot of stuff that was going through his mind if this was actually his newtype of abilities Awakening...

White Base we're making their way to a nearby colony to get some supplies and some off time.

To Be Continued...

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