Prologue 3

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The four high-schoolers left the arcade, smiling and talking. Téa pulled her jacket back on, still sweating lightly from playing her favourite dance game, her cheeks pink and her hair tousled lightly. Emiko and Bakura both praised her while Yami just smiled. Emiko looked down at the small, iridescent Blue-Eyes White Dragon keychain she had won and smiled, holding it up to the light of the deep, orange sunset, gazing at the beautiful, rainbow shimmer it reflected as it swung lightly.

"Thanks for coming along," Téa said, "That was a blast!"

Emiko looked down at her watch and said, "Oh, I really need to get going. I have to get back to the Kaiba Corporation building in 30 minutes."

Bakura said, "No worries. Today was quite fun!" Emiko nodded and Bakura continued, "By the way, thanks for coming with me today, Em."

She said, "Sure. Anytime."

Yami and Téa said, "We've got to get going, too. We're gonna head to the museum and check it out."

Bakura said, "Sounds great. I'll probably hang around town for a bit longer before I go home."

Emiko and the others waved goodbye to one another and she jogged back to the park, unlocking her bike from the rack and hopping on, riding back to the Kaiba Manor. She grabbed her new and improved duel disk and her deck from her bedroom, then she took a shortcut through a nearby trail to get to the Kaiba Corporation building, skidding to a halt as the sun finally dipped just below the horizon. After a few moments, she looked down at her watch, seeing that the limo driver was still waiting patiently outside with no sign of her brothers. She jogged inside and asked the receptionist, "Hey, where is Seto? Have you seen him?"

"Hello, Miss Kaiba," the young brunette said, looking down at her monitor over her tortoiseshell glasses, "Yes, he and Mokuba are upstairs on the test floor still."

Emiko frowned, then said, walking past her to the elevator, "Thank you, Nat. Can you ring up and let them know I'm on my way?" The woman nodded as Emiko entered the elevator, pressing the button repeatedly.

"They were supposed to be finished testing by now," she thought, tapping her foot anxiously, "We're going to be late at this rate."

The door opened with a ding, revealing Mokuba and the rest of the testing crew, all watching intently with a variety of worried and panicked expressions on their faces.

"What's going on, Mokuba?"

Mokuba said, his voice unsteady, "Em! The simulator has just summoned the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Seto is totally unmatched right now!"

Emiko walked over to the window and asked nonchalantly, "Really? He actually gave the simulator his Blue-Eyes?"

Mokuba said, "You don't understand! He's turned off all the safety settings! He could be seriously hurt!" Emiko gasped.

"Get me a headset, Roland! Hurry!"

"Here you are, Miss Kaiba--"

She slammed the headset over her ears and said sternly into the microphone, "Seto! Seto, can you hear me!? You have to stop this duel! Now!"

Seto pressed a button embedded in his jacket collar and said bluntly, "I know what I'm doing, Emiko. I'm nearly done here." Emiko bit her lip and clenched her fists. They all watched in anticipation as Seto sacrificed the three monsters he had on the field, summoning the biggest Duel Monster she had ever seen. As his monsters disappeared, a massive, blue creature with red, glowing eyes and sharp horns rose from the ground. Though it looked like a hologram, the creature was exceptionally detailed and it had a heavy presence surrounding it. As the creature opened its mouth and roared, the building itself shook and the computers started to glitch and flicker.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Love Unconditionally (Version 1 - SEMI FINAL)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu