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Victor Gambino- 43 year old mafia boss with two sons, Matthew and Josh and a wife,Sasha. They all live in a huge mansion in Paris, France.

Sasha Gambino- 42 year old very kind lady with a very exciting live to live since she has grew up in mafia for 21 years now.

Matthew Gambino- 28 year old young man. The oldest son of Victor and Sasha. Matthew lives in his own mansion with his girlfriend, Andrea.

Josh Gambino- 19 year old young man, still living under his parents roof. Josh has been the favorite, both were spoiled though. He grew up with everything provided for him. Huge mansion. Huge room. Nice car. Everything he could think of was handed to him, and hasn't stopped coming.


Hiram Lodge- 49 year old man with 6 kids and a wife. He had lots of money, a big mansion in New York City, rows of nice cars, stacks of money. He was mr.big money. He would spoil his kids so much, buy this buy that never stopping. Until, the debt came in, it Finally did stop. Hiram told his 5 sons but Veronica couldn't know. He favored her, he kept buying for her and putting aside money for the debt. He would wait as long as he could before telling her, his precious little girl.

Hermione Lodge- 46 year old nice woman with 6 wonderful kids and a husband in debt. She tries to help with the money but it doesn't do much. Only 5 months to get more than 10,000,000 dollars. What will happen if they don't get the money to them in time? Will they die?

Veronica Lodge- 18 year old young lady with a caring family, her parents do so much for her but she doesn't know why. Veronica has never had a boyfriend or even a boy best friend. She has one friend and her name is Emmy. Emmy is a pick me and is fake to everyone.

Her brothers are all very protective over her and nice to her.

Jaxon-18 years old. Veronica's twin but older by 3 minutes.

Mason- 21 years old. In college.

Liam- 23 years old. Also in college.

Ace- 25 years old. Works for a very big company that is worth trillions.

Blake- 28 years old. Veronica's oldest brother. Helps with the debt.

Now you know some stuff about what is going on. Next part will probably be the actual first chapter. I hope you like it.
September 25, 2022 12:23 am

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