Chapter 1 ( 15 Days Before Her Begging)

Start from the beginning

After we married Greg immediately flew to Greece. Because he hated me more than anything in this world. He avoided me as if I have life-threatening disease.

Twice a year he was forced to meet me. During Christmas and his parent's wedding anniversary. During those events, I will do anything just to steal a look at him, to start a conversation with him. Although his answers were mostly yes or no in a bored tone, I'm glad that I have heard his voice.  That was enough for me to stay alive for a year.

Pathetic, right?

I wonder how does it feel to be loved. To wake-up everyday with him with smile plastered on your faces. To dream together of your future family. To enjoy warm hugs and kisses. To hear 'I love you' and 'I love you too'. The list is forever. I guess I will never know the answer.

My thoughts were vanished by a telephone ring. Diamond, my secretary, told me that she gave my home telephone number to an prospective client and that they are expected to call today. So I assume that the call is from them.

"Amanda Lawrence, President of Beauty and Madness. How may I help you?" I answered in a businesses like tone.

"Is that how you address your husband? In a business like manner?" A deep baritone voice answered on the other line. A voice so familiar that haunts my dreams every night and day. It was Greg!

" I'm on my way to your place." My eyes widened triple it's size and my jaw, I found it on the floor. My brain is malfunctioning like it was being force to solve quantum physics problem as I tried to comprehend what he said.

"H—-uh?" I answered dumbly. Damn!

"I said I'm on my way to your place. Be ready." He ended the call.

That's it? No hello, No goodbye? What does he mean when he said 'Be ready'?

Greg's time is golden. There must be a very important reason for him to fly from Greece all the way here to New York. Question is: what is it?

I'm so nervous that I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. Greg calling and Greg coming in New York combined is a total bad news.

I fetch my phone out of my pocket then dial Mom's number. She answered after a ring.

"Good day my Deedee. What made you call?" My mother greeted in her sweet excited voice.

"Mom, Greg is coming here in New York! At my place to be precise. I dont know the reason behind his impromptu visit. But I have a feeling it's no good news. Do you have any idea about this? Mom——"

"Shhh..... shhhh...Deedee, sweetheart. Relax. Stay calm." My mother, Amelia, interrupted me after hearing how agitated I was. "I have no idea why Greg is in New York, but whatever it is you have to face him like a mature woman does. Brave and smart."

"Mom I'm scared." I can't hide the fear in my voice.

"Deedee don't be scared.  Maybe the purpose of his visit is to attend business. Just promise me that you will face him as a mature woman. Be strong, honey.

Oh, I wish I was there with you." Mom is currently in Rio de Janeiro together with Mike, her new boyfriend. Things are getting real between them. I immidiately regret calling her.

"Mom don't worry about me I can do this. Okay? Enjoy your vacation with Mike. I love you and I miss you."

"I love you too Deedee." I ended the call after we said our good byes.

Right after I put my phone down my table, the sound of the doorbell dominated the whole vacuum.

Greg is here!

(End of Chapter 1)


Raise your hand for those who are excited about Greg's arrival. :-) I'm raising my hand as well. (giggles) Please comment, babies. To make me feel inspired and motivated. More comments, more updates.

Infinite love,


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