◜↠ an apology. ࿐↠

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࿐✤ "I'm sorry."
Pure Vanilla knew that it was never her fault. But of course, he was suppose to be her best friend, right? So he quickly changed the topic.

"No, really, it wasn't your fault. Now, we should be in bed right now, should we? After all, we still have some time for a rest."

That was when White Lily slapped her forehead. "Of course! I must've forgotten that I woke up late at night. Now we should be asleep by now."

They stood up and went to the silent hallway. After the recent occurrence, they were too tired to speak to eachother. After they reached their dorm, they immediately went to bed.

But Pure Vanilla was barely asleep. He was staring at his dorm's ceiling and was sulking at himself. He was worried for White Lily.

The next day, Pure Vanilla was sitting on the cafeteria's chair. Dark cacao and HollyBerry sat with Pure Vanilla. Today White Lily sat on a table far from theirs. They had a delicious breakfast meal; strawberry jam sandwich, a butter pretzel with butter cream and an english breakfast. Pure Vanilla was still sulking about yesterday. He thought about writing an apology to her. But he was sure that White Lily wouldn't respond. He knew just by White Lily's attitude today. Whenever she's sad, she'd rather not talk about her feelings then to speak of it. Just how could he make it all up to her?—

"Hey, Vani! You okay?" He was startled by the sudden voice. He looked up from his table to see Hollyberry, snapping her fingers to catch his attention. He realized he was distracted.

"Ah— yes, Hollyberry Cookie?" he questioned, acting as if he was just looking at his meal then worrying about his own bestfriend.

"Ah—right." HollyBerry sighed. "Just wanna ask, why were you up so late at night?"

"Wait he woke up late?" Dark Cacao asked mysteriously. He looked at Pure Vanilla, which made him panic.

What should he do? What would the best excuse be? He couldn't just spill out the truth. Especially about what had happend between him and Lily.

"I—I was just grabbing a bite. I just told you yesterday, Holly!" he quickly answered.

Then both Hollyberry and Dark Cacao looked at eachother. Golden Cheese, on the other hand, was too busy to listen and ate her meal. Dark Cacao then turned his head to look at Pure Vanilla, who was sweating; afraid that they might find out about it. Dark Cacao narrowed his eyes onto him.

Holly and Dark cacao shrugged. "Alright, I guess. I don't really see what's wrong with that."

Pure Vanilla sighed in relief. Thank Goodness!

Although, after lunch, White Lily barely talked to Pure Vanilla . It also got the students' attention. Including their bestfriends, Hollyberry, Dark Cacao and Golden Cheese. It was strange because out of all students' in the academy, Pure Vanilla was the closest to White Lily. Pure Vanilla, in the other hand, is continuing his own usual activities. But he still felt worried for White Lily.

Everytime he tried to speak to her, she would just walk away from him; which made Pure Vanilla made even more concerned. That was when he had a brilliant idea. He took out 3 sticky notes and wrote the same note:

Meet me outside after school. It's going to be big I promise! -PV

He quickly sticked it on their lockers and quickly ran to his classroom before his lesson would start.


After school, Holly, Golden Cheese and Dark Cacao saw the note written by Pure Vanilla and immediately packed their things and walked outside, where they saw Pure Vanilla waiting for them. Golden Cheese was the first to greet him.

"Hey, Vanilla! What's up with that note? It's like you wanna ask us something immediately."

Pure Vanilla's cheeks then flushed. He forgot to write the following task he wanted to tell about his friends.

"Ah! Sorry about that, Cheese. And no, I didn't want to tell you something. I wanted you three to help me with something."

At first, his three friends were silent as they guessed what he wanted them to help with. Holly then broke the silence.

"Well, what is it?" she asked.

He removed his bag which was hanging on his shoulder and searched. He took out a book with the thumbnail, "Baking with the Cookies!"

Then their mouths dangled open. "You want us to bake something with you?!" Golden asked.

"Y-Yeah.. I thought you guys would help me bake a chocolate cake for Whi— " his sentence cut off. No, no he shouldn't tell them about who was it for. Then quickly finished his sentence, " I- I mean for a.. school project.. that, uh.. our baking teacher.. requested me to do. But I couldn't do it myself because I was such a horrible baker. So I thought asking you guys to help bake with me would make the cake 10x better!"

Then the 3 pupils looked at him then at eachother then him and then at eachother then it went on almost forever.

"I don't know honestly, but if it's a request from a friend, I will try my best to help no matter what!"
Hollyberry said in a courageous voice.

"I'm not that much of a baker but I'll help since I don't have that much to do in the weekends anyway," Golden Cheese volunterred.

"I don't see why not. I'll try to ask permission from my father first and we'll see," Dark Cacao said.

Pure Vanilla struck a warm smile; they were the bestest friends ever!

But if Pure Vanilla was being honest. Seriously, horrible baker? A request from his baking teacher? What a horrible excuse he had said. He had taken multiple baking classes which helped him understand more about cookies' anatomy. And of course he never had a request from his baking teacher! His baking teacher knew that his understanding for baking was very stable so he never really requested tasks nor projects for Pure Vanilla since he's in the Senior Class in baking class.

His planning was to surprise White Lily with a chocolate cake as an apology. He was hoping that she would forgive him back.

He hoped she will though.


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words: 1043

A/N: My gosh this is the longest story I've written in this book. Who knows that the next chapter would be even longer? Who knows? Make sure to check next week for updates and don't forget to atleast vote for my book! There will be no chapter tomorrow and I will try my best to write the next chapter next week maybe on Friday or Saturday. Higher chance it would definetely be Saturday. That is all. Farewell and I'll see you next week!

-The writer, Dina.

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