"Did she call you?"

"I called her. I went through your phone and found her number."

"You went through my phone?"

She nodded, took another sip of her Bourbon. "I'm giving you the chance to tell me Onika."

"So she told you about the kiss. Did she tell you that I stopped talking to her for years because of it? It was a mistake babe."

"Anything else I should know?"

"I assume you know it all."

"Assuming makes an ass out of you and me."

My throat became tight. Noir hadn't told her everything. It was all on me to finish this.

"At the open house for my agency, we got heated, got into a huge verbal argument and it turned into us feeling each other up. I was so pent up, my emotions were everywhere. Ebony and Nadine saw us and I knew they were going to tell you—"

"And why wouldn't they?"

"I know. I had to beg them to let me do it on my own time. Still begging them, actually."


Her Bourbon was halfway gone. She was so calm that it was scaring me. I couldn't gauge her reaction, couldn't catch on to the feeling.

"You know I would've never been angry about the kiss, probably wouldn't have even been too angry about y'all feeling each other up. But not only did you lie to me, but you made me feel like I was going crazy for the things that I felt."

"I'm so sorry," I reached over, tried to touch her but she moved away, still sipping.

"I thought I was one of the most understanding people you knew. You don't think I would have understood those instances?"

"I wouldn't."

"You aren't me and I am not you."

"You would've been okay with me kissing another woman and feeling her up? Are you for real?"

"It's like you've learned nothing. All this time and you don't know the woman you wanted to marry. Either that or you just don't care."

"Wanted? Baby I still want to marry you."

She was going on a tangent, wouldn't hear what I was saying to her if I screamed it at her.

"All I've ever asked of you was honesty. The good, the bad, the ugly, even the things that make you look like a monster. As long as you're honest with me. I told you before that your emotions won't hurt me because I know we can't tame something we have no control over. People change by the day, by the minute. All I needed was honesty."

She was scaring me, speaking in this past tense like our relationship had found its way into the trash bin. My heart banged inside my chest. I was wrong, so wrong, but the consequences were seeming deadly.

I didn't like when she talked like that. Like she had given up, exhausted and exasperated. I had heard years of that over the phone. It hurt then and it hurt now. Only this time, I was the cause of our pain.

Her Bourbon was gone, and she poured more.

"You turned my best friends against me. My sisters. And they'll get words as well, but in the end, they did it for you. So I didn't have to hear it from anybody else's mouth but yours, and someone else still told me."

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