nameless child

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Chapter 1 nameless child
Ever since tripitaka could remember he new he was a boy that how he new he was himself but as a child he was always conflicted his mother a nice lady but she was scared of his stepfather if tripitaka did anything to upset his step father then his mother would get mad at him and that included him wanting to be a boy he wanted to play with the other boy but his mom said it wasn't lady like that how it was till one day when tripitaka was 6 he cut his hair it was bad but HE liked it but when his mother seen him she grabbed the Sixers out of his hands and  pulled his now shore hair he remembered crying and saying sorry so much back then. Then she threw him out side and he remembered those words she said for ever and ever " go leave I should have killed you when your father die you have caused nothing but pain in my life your just bad luck I hope a demon eats you, you discrasfull child" tripitaka didn't know why but her worlds had scared him he ran the fastest he ever did in his entire life. One he ran far enough he was now in a different town entirely he spent weeks homeless till one day he fell asleep on the steps of a  monistatry he was woken up by a monk "dear child why are you out here alone wares your parents " he didn't know what to say but cry it hert to remember it he wanted to go home but they wouldn't want him back " aw thare thare " the monk patted him on the back to make him feel better he stopped crying "my mother told me to leave so I did what she said " he cryed more " well you can stay here if you'd like to " "really " he looked up at the monk the monk giveing him a kind smile "yes just tell me your name " tripitaka didn't have a name at the time he was never named a nameless child " I don't have one " "em well that's ok I think we can come up with one young man" that was the first time anyone called him a man and from that day on he hide the fact that he ones was a woman hes be living with the monks for years now and hes hidden his female part's form every one well except buddha he would always know tripitaka was a woman but seen as a man when tripitaka developed breast he raped them to hide them they always made him uncomfortable not all the time but most of the time it was awful the only time he ever let his best out was when he went to bed then when he got his peareaid he would sneak the wemon cloth for when they had thares and if he ever got cot he would just say he was going to give them to a girl who was on thare period on the streets  and didn't have eny and they would say that he was so sweet and kind to do that but they were really for him some times he still felt like that kid on the streets scared and disowned it would mostly happen on his period and he would feel gross and groggy on it then when his voice sounded like a girl he would talk lower and at some point he did sound like a man or just one with a higher voice but no one asked they just thought he was a pretty boy who had nice skin and they didn't care as long as he keeped doing his work and helping people they never questioned him about puberty mainly cus sex was forbidden for Buddhist monks so tripitaka didn't have to get married he didn't need to worry about anything it was good he loved being a monk he loved being a man he loved his new family he loved his life thank you buddha for giveing me this new life.

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