You were sitting in your room and playing with a little ball that you were throwing against the wall and catching, over and over again. "It's so booooriiiiing", you said loudly and sighed, "Lemme oouuuuut."
The door opened and your head shot in its direction, waiting for the person to finally come in. Everything felt like in slow motion probably because you couldn't wait for anything to happen.
Bruce got in your view and said: "Hey, how are you?" "Bored. I think I'm gonna die from it", you said dramatically. "Good news then, we decided that you can come out." You rushed up and examined every feature of his face but you didn't see even one hint of a lie.
"You mean it", you stated and he nodded. "What is the catch?", you asked still skeptical. "No Hydra, no attack against us or our teammates and if things go south you'll be back here." "No, no, I mean the catch. What's the catch? These things are too obvious." "Then there is none." You stood up, looked behind him to see nothing and no one, your eyes wandered to the mirror and back to Bruce.
"This... isn't a joke, right? And why? Don't get me wrong, I sure as hell wanna get outta here but you know I'm not y/n, for days now, and you still set me free?" He chuckled but it just confused you more. "First off, we're not setting you free. You're just allowed to leave this room. And no, it's not a joke and the reason why we came to the decision was you." "Banner, come on, don't talk in codes", you said impatiently. "We got to know you and we think we can trust you now. So a change in your personality is no longer a threat and therefore you're allowed to come out." You squeezed your eyes a little together and came closer, trying to look like a threat and intimidating him.
Your eyes wandered to the hallway behind him and you caught Tony who thought he had to intervene but stopped himself. Banner on the other hand wasn't scared nor tensed up at all.
You got so close so that your face was next to Banners and whispered into his ear: "And what if I told you that I'd kill all of you?" "Then you shall see how far you'd come." You huffed and stepped back.
"I don't think you'll win but you're right, I probably wouldn't even try it. My freedom is a little more worthy than that."
°Well at least for now...° 'Hey!'
"So, when do I get a new room?"

"Sometimes it's just like that." You were sitting in a room that wasn't yours and Natasha sat in front of you. You nodded as if you knew what she was talking about.
"Yeah", you added because it felt like you had to so it wouldn't get weird. "What's wrong?", she asked. Of course she noticed that you had no clue about anything that was going on right now, she was a pro. "Nothing", you replied and looked into her eyes, feeling something familiar and warm. She didn't believe you, you knew that, but she didn't push any further.
"Well... actually I don't feel so good all of a sudden. I... I'd just like to go to my room now", you explained. It wasn't a lie but not really the truth either. "I'll take you there", she offered with a smile and you knew that declining it would be the wrong decision so you nodded and smiled back.
Instead of taking you to the secured room, she walked with you a few doors down the hallway. In front of the Numpad you tried to get rid of her but she insisted on staying and helping to get you ready for bed. To say you were confused would've been an understatement.
Your hand was shaking when you tried to type in some numbers which were obviously wrong since you had no clue about any codes. "Sorry, my mind is a mess right now", you excused yourself and Natasha typed in some numbers you didn't know any meaning behind but a sound appeared and the door unlocked.
She opened the door and you both entered the room. On the wall were some posters of bands you didn't know, the pillow was dark green and the blanket black. The dresser was decorated with a few crystals and a small fairylight while the cupboard had a few postcards and notes glued on it. It looked cozy but it wasn't your cup of tea. Left from the door were a piano and a bass.
"I'm good", you said when Natasha opened the cupboard and grabbed some pajamas, tossing them on the bed. Just now you noticed the small nightlight on the nightstand.
"If anything's wrong, just call me. Or yell anything. Or tell F.R.I.D.A.Y, I'll be there. Alright?" "Where's Bucky?", you asked hesitantly, thinking about her offer but feeling weird knowing it'd be her who would come.
"Well... if you prefer him, just tell F.R.I.D.A.Y." You weren't sure if she was hurt or not but something was off. "Okay, yeah. I... I need some time for myself now", you said and tried to smile. "Sure. Good night", she said with a short-lived smile and left.
You wondered if you had a phone somewhere and if you would have access to the whole internet now instead of just listening to music. It was dark outside and the window wall let you feel small.

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