FOUR. ghost of the past

Start from the beginning

"Anna, you are so much better than them. They are just people who only give a shit about themselves, don't trust anyone and are jealous because of you." Musa crouches down to face Anna, smushing her cheek against her fist, "Come on, just go down to the Bastian, we'll even come with you. Silva wants to see you."

"I can't fight, I've been banned for two more weeks." Anna sighs, closing her eyes and rolling away from Musa but she's greeted face to face with Aisha. "I just want to sleep." 

"No, you are not sleeping. You've been doing that for three weeks straight, get up, get dressed and come to the Bastian with us. All you have to do is pick up a sword and that's it, okay?" Anna shakes her head, rolling onto her back to stare at the ceiling, something all too familiar to her. "Okay, fine, how about we start with something easier." Stella looks to the others for help. 

"How about just getting out of bed?" Bloom suggests, looking between the other fairies for help. 

"Yeah, come on!" Musa nods, standing up, "Let's peel these hands off your face and then we can get up." Anna sighs, placing her hands at her side before leaving the comfort of her bed and standing up. She's a little wobbly on her feet, the wound still healing on the inside. Aisha and Stella are at her side in a second, supporting her.

"See, now that wasn't so hard was it?" Stella smiles brightly, "Now, all you have to do is get dressed, have a shower and go to the Bastian." 

"That's it?" Annabelle looks at Stella, sarcasm in her tone. The blonde nods, eliciting an eye roll from the Dark Fairy. "Okay, I will go have a shower and you guys can pick me out some clothes but make sure they match and actually look nice, okay?" They all nod and Annabelle makes her way to the bathroom, she locks the door behind her, pushing the hamper in front of the handle as well. 

The darkly haired girl slowly pulls her hoodie off and drops her trousers. She stands nude in the mirror, looking at herself. Anna has a scar on her stomach, it's ragged and not very clean and just above her uterus. Professor Harvey had assured Annabelle that it didn't touch her uterus, just her grazed her stomach. She had bled out on the scene and came back to life, completely rejuvenated with all the blood back in her system but where the wound hadn't healed fully, it had began to bleed out again so it was still working its way back around her system. 

Strangely, Anna's eyes hadn't become bloodshot with the colour black this time, she didn't feel anything after using her powers like that, just pain from the wound. Her head had healed as well but that didn't take long. She flicks on the shower, washing herself under the warm water, enjoying the feeling of it on her skin and washing through her hair. 

By the time she's finished in the shower, the girls have picked out an outfit for her. Anna had to admit, she kind of liked it. It was a deep rich purple colour henley shirt with a white vest with a delicate lace neckline that showed under the few undone buttons of her henley shirt. For the bottoms it was low rise bootcut jeans with a dark blue denim material. Just a tiny part of her stomach could be seen if she stretched out. The shoes were black high-rise converse with thick white soles. Stella had picked out some golden jewellery to go with the outfit and Bloom had found Anna's black leather jacket that she is always seen wearing, with the patches and worn down leather. 

Musa worked on her hair, putting it up into a half up half down style, the small pony tail on top of her head and her hair falling down in curls that where slightly untamed but still tamed. Anna put on a little makeup, just a simple flick of black eyeliner, lipgloss, highlight and blush to add a bit of colour to her cheeks. She stood in her mirror, satisfied with the outfit. "You did good." Annabelle admits, looking back at the four fairies, chuckling a little, "I'd of preferred cargo pants and one of my latex shirts but I'm not fighting so what the hell." 

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