Takeru gave up on convincing Yuriko to not call him by his family nickname. He then also picked a coffee package, and they both went to the cashiers and paid for it. Then as they left the store, they passed by a pink-haired girl who was accompanied by a handsome black-haired boy, and Takeru's eyes and the girl's eyes met for a moment and they...

" "Huuuuuuuh?" "

Began glaring at each other and making tsundere noises. That girl was Cicilia, and the boy was Yasu, and so both he and Yuriko began pulling Cicilia and Takeru away from each other by the hand, Yuriko did so with a troubled face, while Yasu did so with his eternal expressionless face

Some time later

"I'll start making the coffee, make yourself comfortable while you wait"


Yuriko was sitting in the living room of Takeru's apartment, while he was in the kitchen picking the necessary tools to make the coffee for Yuriko. While he did that, Yuriko began talking to herself inside her mind

"..." <Although I didn't mind the way Takeru interacted with Kogane-san and that other girl today... I still don't want him to interact with other girls when I'm not with him as much as possible... What do I do?... ... ... I know! Let's put Takeru in the secretary position of the student council, not only will that mean that we will still get to go home together, but I will also get to spend more time with him> *Nods* <Yeah, let's do that>

Yuriko was now making a satisfied face as she came up with that idea, and just as she had come up with her plan, Takeru approached her with a mug in his hands


"Ah! Thank you, Takeru"

Yuriko accepted the mug from him, then Takeru sat down on one of the ends of the table, and seeing that Yuriko pouted a little and then she began tapping the spot beside her on the carpet as she called him

"Takeru, sit here"

"... ... ... Fine..."

Takeru accepted without a fight Yuriko's request and sat beside her with his cheeks slightly red. Seeing Takeru sitting close to her Yuriko's mood got better, and she began drinking the coffee

"! Your coffee is really good, Takeru"

"T-thank you"

There was a short silence between the two before Yuriko decided to go forward with her idea

"... By the way, Takeru... Do you want to join the student council?"


When Yuriko heard, Takeru's immediate response she looked at him with a smile of someone who was not going to give up, while Takeru was making a bright face without smiling

"Are you sure you don't want to join the student council?"


"What if I say you can't refuse?"

"I will still refuse!"

" "..." "

The two once again looked at each other in silence as they smiled, then after that equally short silence, their smiles were replaced by serious faces

"Takeru, are you sure you don't want to join the student council?"

"Yes, I won't join it even if it's you, Yuriko"

"Not even if that means we can have more time together?"

"... ... ... Y-yes"

And Takeru's willpower took a serious blow when he heard that very tempting offer from Yuriko, but he still refused with a lot of hesitation. But Yuriko had noticed his hesitation

"Think Takeru, if you join the student council, then that means that you can hug me and bury your face on my chest, the way you like it"

"I don't like doing that!"

Takeru's face got bright red when Yuriko said that about him as he tried to refute her

"But didn't you keep burying your face in my chest last weekend?"

"!... Erm... Well... ... ... Y-yes..."

"Then if you join the student council, I won't mind you doing that every so often inside the stucco room"

"... ... ... I-I... I-I will still refuse..."

Takeru was really close to accepting Yuriko's invitation to join the student council

"Takeru... If you accept my invitation to join the student council... I will let you bury your face in my chest right now, and whenever we're alone as well"

"... ... ... ... ... ..."

Takeru remained silent doing his best to not fall into his temptation... And before he noticed, he was already hugging Yuriko while burying his face in her chest

"Fufu, I will take this as you accepting my invitation to join the student council"


Takeru didn't say anything as even his ears had turned red while he hid his face from Yuriko's view, as Yuriko patted his head while hugging him back with a big happy smile on her face from hogging an embarrassed Takeru all to herself

(A/N Notes: Diabetus)

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