Y/n:"I have to admit, it's ten times more annoying than the teachers giving us two unprepared pop quizzes. So, in conclusion, very annoying."

Oderaa:"hehehe, and if you step out of line and they find out, you'll be back to jail. Pffftt, hehehe-"

Y/n:"Yeah, no. If I'm going down again, you're coming with me, again."

I said in a menacingly aura to shut him the fuck up. That was until the bus stopped. We got on board and so did the agents of Light and mine. They sat at the very back while Light and the girl sat at the two seats at the right. Me and Oderaa sat at the two seats to the left with Oderaa sitting at the window and me at the walkway. Light was sitting at the walkway of his side as the girl sit's by the window. The agents sat right behind both of us so it's kind of frustrating to talk to Oderaa at the moment. The bus went on as me and Oderaa were quiet as the girl with Light talked about random stuff that seems to pop randomly in her mind.

Y/n:'I hope he doesn't hurt her in any away possible. She seems like a kind person too.'

The agents were doing their job by just observing. There is couples on this bus. There are about ten people on this bus including me, Oderaa and my agent. The ride is comfortable. After a bit, the bus stopped at another stop to pick this shady looking dude up.

("Fuck" means you are whisper-talking in another language, just choose one that isn't Japanese or Chinese.)

Y/n:"Hey, Oderaa."

Oderaa:"What's up. Something wrong that you have to whisper in another language?"

Y/n:"Yeah, the guy getting on now seems shady to me."


The shady guy immediately pulled out a gun and pointed it to the driver.


Shady:"I'm taking control of this bus!"

Everyone panicked. Of course, that's the natural reaction any person would make. Even the agents seemed a bit stressed.

Y/n:"Ahh, geez. Why now of all times."

I mumbled under my breath.

Oderaa:"Yeah, you said it. Here I thought this time it would be a normal Space Land adventure thing."

Oderaa also mumbled under his breath.

Y/n:"At least it's not you getting kicked out or getting banned this time. Nor, is it your fault at all."

I joked as me and Oderaa chuckled a bit... Yeah, our natural response to this situation is definitely not natural. Hell, even my agent is looking at us as if we probably should be in an asylum or need a therapy. Yeah, kinda do. Oh, wait. We already did... Oh, right the bus is being high jacked... SHIT, THE BUS IS BEING HIGH JACKED!(⁠・⁠-⁠・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ

No one's POV:

Shady:"Don't make a fuss!"

Y/n saw in the corner of his eye that Light is quite calm for this situation and looked to the front with a bit of amusement and boredom. He had a relaxed position with his arms crossed while Oderaa also had a relaxed position but with more amusement across his face while his hands are in his hoodie's pockets.

Shady:"I'll kill any one that moves! Driver, you know the phone number for Space Land's office, don't you? Call them!"

Driver:"All right!"

Sasaki:"This is Sasaki, the driver of bus number 174!"

Shady:"Tell them what's happening!"

Y/n:'Oh, that's new to bus jacking. I think...'

Sasaki:"A man with a gun has bus jacked us!"

Shady:"Give me that. You hear that? Listen carefully. Bring Space Land's profits from yesterday to two bus stops away from there. Have a woman bring it by car alone! Do it before this bus gets there! If you try anything funny or call the police, I'll kill all the passengers one by one!"

He then rips the telephone cable of and stomped on it. Y/n had the same amused face as Oderaa (Little devils) under their masks.

Oderaa:'Well, isn't this ironic? Two agents on the bus while Mr.Shady said not to call authorities. At least today I have a story to tell.


Hi, I hope have a wonderful
Btw, I have a little surprise
before you go.
You still here?
Okay, fiinnee.

Look, it's Y/n and Oderaa! In school uniform that is

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Look, it's Y/n and Oderaa! In school uniform that is

Stay safe!
<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

1382 words

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