"I'm starving, we should get food. Are you okay with that?" Ariana asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry too." You replied, Victoria nodding as well.

You found yourself on yet another car ride, this time filled with sing-a-longs and a bottle of champagne. You guys arrive at a nearby restaurant you assumed is a celebrity hotspot due to the paparazzi lurking around. On instinct, you try to distance yourself in order not to be captured but you remembered that the entire point of Operation: FD was to be spotted with Ariana.

So you picked up your pace and walked beside Ariana as the maître d showed you to a table. You sit across them with Ariana directly facing you.

"What are you going to get?" Ariana asked you.

You aren't entirely sure, opting for something safe which was vegan food. Just no salads though.

"You're vegan?" Victoria asks when the waiter left with everyone's order.

"Not really, I'm good with anything so long as it's delicious."

"Why don't you order meat whenever we eat?"

"I didn't want you to accidentally eat something non-vegan so..."

"Guys, stop making me feel like a third wheel please." Victoria intervened.

"I'm sorry," You addressed Victoria, "Please, tell me about yourself."

Victoria smiled at you in appreciation before saying some facts about herself. The food appeared quickly and you dug in. It was a good choice, even more so when you can share it with Ariana when she asked for a bite.

You bonded with the girls over music and discussed social issues and world affairs as you enjoy your food. When everyone's done, the waiter approaches with the bill.

You reached for it but were immediately snatched by Ariana. "You got me food last time, let me return the favor. You can get it next time."

You couldn't argue with that and you wouldn't. Next time seems like a good plan anyway.

"Do you have any other plans for today?" You asked them.

They shared a look with each other before saying in unison, "Shopping!" You nodded your head in acknowledgment. With your approval, the girls brought you to the high-end shops nearby the area. While they were unfamiliar territories, at the very least, they provided security measures for the two celebrities and their entourage.

You sat down on a chair (after making sure it was a place for you to sit and not some random furniture not meant for sitting) while Max stood beside you. Both of you basically observed the two women exploring whatever the brand could offer them. They took turns asking your opinion about different items- bags, accessories, and shoes.

"You guys know I know nothing about fashion, right?"

The fact doesn't deter them from putting on a mini fashion show in front of you, parading in whatever they fancied. You basically used every synonym of the word "beautiful" whenever they asked you "how it'd looked".

"Do you see anything you like?" Ariana asked as she sat beside you to try a heel on. "Not particularly," You replied, which she quickly retorted. "Of course not, since you had been sitting here all this while. Come on, let's take a look around."

You let her drag you around like a kid in a candy store, trying to see if she could guess your favorite flavor. The interior design was quite fascinating if you do say so yourself, like a townhouse for... well, a wealthy fashion designer. It felt like walking through one gigantic closet with multiple sections.

"What about this?" Ariana pointed at a pair of shoes. She kind of figured out your style by now, which wasn't difficult seeing as how you glanced over bags and jewelry most people would fawn over. It looked like a regular pair of sneakers you could see yourself wearing. The color was quite pleasing, with different shades of blue with soft suede material.

"It does look nice." You said almost dismissively, thankful for finding something before Ariana made you look at every nook and cranny of the place. As if on cue, a ubiquitous sales associate brought out a pair for you to try before you could change your mind. You will probably never wear them except for a special occasion like Festival de Cannes (which you can guarantee you will not be invited to) when you felt like it was worth losing a dollar for every step you take.

When you headed down to the cashier, the sales associate indicated it was already paid for when she handed you a neatly packaged shopping bag. You found Ariana looking at you, and you knew she was gauging your reaction to the news.

"Ariana-" You started, wanting to speak your mind. You don't like to receive gifts, especially if they were expensive, because you weren't sure if they would morph into bribes and you hated feeling like you were obliged to give something in return.

"It's just my way of saying thank you." Ariana cut you off gently. "It's the least I can do to show my appreciation."

You took a long look at her, trying to detect any disingenuity but ultimately found none. Since she made it clear that it was for something you already accepted to do, you dropped your argument. "Okay."

The girls looked extremely pleased with their purchases, carrying multiple large shopping bags that looked like they contained an entire year worth of luxury goods. You offered to help Ariana with some of her bags which she accepted.

Paparazzi who were there when you entered the shop still remained as you walked out of it. They followed your group around noisily, though with a respectful distance. Victoria had gone on her separate ways for the day while you and Ariana decided to drive around to stage a "scandal".

"Is that actually how PR stunts work?" You asked Ariana as you placed the bags on the back seat, before heading towards the passenger side. Once inside her car, you smoothed your hand over the leather upholstery after putting on your seatbelt, admiring its interior

"Basically," Ariana replied as she navigated away from the crowd and onto the main road. You could see some paparazzi tailing and taking pictures of the both of you. You tried not to look directly at them, focusing on Ariana instead. "There's a spot where they lurk for car shots."

"That sounds creepy, but also... efficient?" Your voice rose into a question. "I assume we're heading there?"

"Don't worry too much about them. Just relax and have fun, or at least look like you're having it."

You put on your winning smile instantly, hoping that it looked more real than your relationship with Ariana. Fortunately, she made it easy, throughout the journey, with her quips, anecdotes, and various impressions of other celebrities.

Before you knew it, the whole affair was over and done with. Ariana managed to shake off any car following hers on the way to your house. As expected, gossip spread like wildfire. Your phone vibrated with notifications from various social media apps. Even Olivia sent you a screenshot of a tabloid page and an accompanying "eyes" emoji. You replied with a shrug emoticon.

You turned off your phone when the notifications became too frequent, to the point your anxiety spiked with every ping.

"Hey," Ariana captured your attention softly. You looked up and realized the car was stopped at a traffic light. You turned your head to the side, finding worry in her furrowed brows. She placed her hands over yours, "We don't have to continue doing this, I'm cool if you want to back out since you've done more than enough for me and-"

I do want to do this. I just have to get used to the attention." You put on a smile, "Which is ironic since I'm a Youtuber."

Ariana's expression didn't lighten as you hoped, scanning your face like she was looking for something.

"The green light's on." You pointed out, hoping to redirect Ariana's attention away from you. She only tore away her gaze after a loud honk was heard from behind. She glanced at you once more before stepping on the gas pedal.

AN: a shorter chapter, but don't worry, the later ones will make up for it. remember to drink water and stretch your legs after reading!

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