The Outlanders Who Caught The Wind (2)

Start from the beginning

And now that he (and everyone else) thought about it, how and why did Cale end up in Teyvat?

Before anyone could ask, the viewing continued.

[That was why he wasn't certain if Paimon was correct. If it were otherworlders that were at least considered "normal", then sure.

But Cale and Lumine aren't exactly good examples of "normal" otherworlders.]

"Wait, wouldn't that mean that ancient power users could theoretically obtain multiple elements?" Glenn thought. He shared a glance with Bud and knew his best friend was thinking the same thing.

Bud himself wasn't really interested in gaining more power. But he is curious if the theory could work.

The same thought extended to most of the audience. Many of the power-hungry nobles grumbled in disappointment while research-driven people like the mages wanted to experiment the theory.

Harol looked at Toonka, whose expression was unreadable. He never brought it up, understandably fearing that Toonka will only rampage at the possibility of being able to use the same magic as the bastards they hated.

["Huh? Cale, where did your spear go?" Paimon asks.

"What?" The redhead reached behind him but grasped nothing, to his confusion.

Lumine seemed to realize something and instructed, "Cale, imagine yourself holding your spear."

The redhead raised an eyebrow at that before he quickly caught on what Lumine was trying to make him do. He closed his eyes and visualized the image in his mind. He opened his eyes again and saw golden light materializing itself into his spear.]


"How did he do that!?"

Loud chatter and babble quickly erupted among the audience, many eyes being directed towards the redhead who seemed indifferent to all the attention he's getting. Many mages wanted to ask Cale so many questions but the viewing moved on.

(Thanks for the save, Red.)

[Paimon widened her eyes at what Cale just did and chattered excitedly, "Hey, that's the same thing Lumine does!"

The little fairy is right. Lumine is also capable of doing this even before she touched the statue. According to the blonde, she's always been able to that and doesn't really know why. It was just a natural ability for her.

Just for the heck of it, Cale casually threw his spear in the air and it dissipated into golden light. A second later, it reappeared behind his back, floating.]

The information that Lumine may not be human and her own natural otherworldly powers made many interested in the blonde again.

And unfortunately, the mages were also more interested in Cale, who came from their world, due to his casual display of magic despite being a non-mage. Some mages were very tempted to make him become their experimental subject.

One would think they would be more intrigued with Lumine due to being an unknown. In fact, they are very intrigued by the blonde. However, They chose to focus on Cale first because he was easier to extract knowledge from since he was a human that abided the natural laws of their own world (or perhaps Cale now followed Teyvat's natural laws? The theories were endless...).

["Anyway..." Cale proceeded to change the subject, looking over to the city in the distance, "That's Mondstadt, right?"]

"Oh, right." Alberu had nearly forgotten about the name due to the revelation of Cale Henituse using magic. Is Mondstadt only the name of the city or region? Or perhaps both?

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