Lita shares harsh words

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Lita grabbed the mic by Edge smacking on his gum smirking
Lita: so Eden you thought that you could come out here do a little return and beat me my boyfriend and his best friend his tag team partner Christian well you were wrong Miss girl I'm here to tell you that you will never talk me and you and your brothers are just extras better in our way so I asked you nicely now to get out of their way and we wouldn't have this problem and for you man I never loved you after you injured yourself and became distant with me I realized that my heart belong to someone else and that me and edge really clicked
Right then Eden's theme song Hayloft 2 blared loudly through the arena as the crowd went wild screaming and stomping even made her little entrance and slid in the ring face to face with edge and Lita
Eden:h Lita if you want to run your mouth go ahead but not about my family so let's settle this ether you stop running that stank mouth or you show me what you got in the ring
Lita:sure see you soon

A/n: hey guys I'm really sorry this is really short today I just felt bored and it's currently 9:51 and I was just very tired my eyes burned but good night/day love you bye !!!!!


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