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All i can do is just sit here and cry for them hoping that my tears bring a blessing

A blessing of life
A blessing of healing
A blessing of anything they want

"Wake up wake up" being awoken from my deep sleep seeing my maids run around like some headless chickens

while being half asleep I didn't notice one of my maids handing me a cup of tea "ms/sir would you like some tea" nodding lazy I took the cup and drank some

Drinking some didn't help me wake up more like making me fall back to sleep cause of the warmth

I put the cup down on my nigh stand

Wanting to stand up "ms/sir if I were you I wouldn't do that" a maid said while putting a very fancy dress/suit next to me she seemed to be tired of reminding me every morning that my feet shouldn't touch the group without any

Protection on aka shoes people see my feet too holy to touch the ground cause they think the filth of the ground will make me lose my holiness


I looked over with a confused look wondering why such fancy clothes lay on my bed beside me then it hits me

Its the spring festival I slouch in annoyce I hate festivals or anything that has to do with being in the public eye everyone crowding shouting Wanting a tear drop from me

Being pulled by my arm to stand up and feeling the cold air hit me while wishing I just fall into deep sleep
Not wanting the day to start with all the stress that has to come with it

Just thinking about the day ahead of me makes me feel sick to my stomach

"Goodluck ms/sir" a maid said while putting a hat on me looking at her confused and seeing that my surroundings changed from my room to the front door

The situation hit me and I felt even more sick I was about to make a childish remark on how I'm gonna hate it until the carriage interrupted my voice

Saying a small bye and getting on the carriage the sickness became worse
I laid my head on the glass hoping to get a bit of sleep to at least make the day easier for me

Again the time went by fast feeling the motion stop and hearing people shouting made me want to throw up even more

Wishing myself a small Goodluck

Standing up and walking down the small steps I sew hundreds and hundreds of different people
People from different backgrounds or people I have never seen people

While looking around waving greeting some people a certain person caught my eye I couldn't tell in the distance if it was a man or a women but all I known is that they wore blue

Having to caught my thoughts short with people

It already been 2 hours of me walking around the festivel I didn't really care much expect a one thing that blue person I hope I see them again

I didn't not at my speech meet and greet or walking around I was about to be hopeless until in the corner of my eye I saw a blue dash

Going into a small allyway I didn't think I went after it

Fast walking down it i was greeted with a dead end I started looking around but nothing about to give up when

A small light from one of the walls creeked open I started looking for a secret door where I could open it as I started to push the wall I got flipped around into a blank room with only stairs leading down seeing small

Candles lit I knew they were in here so I masked my fears with my goal

The stairs made a loud creek once I stepped on it but that didn't stop me from achieving what I came for

Hearing my own steps echo creeped me  out even more while going deeper and sewing light coming close in my vision I started to get secon thoughts what if they kidnap me murder me oh what other horrible stuff

They do but the more I thought about those ideas the more quicker it seemed I reacher

It was a arch lead to a small room with a table a painting on the bricked wall a bookshelf a ugly rug then a small wooden chest everything in here looked old but without a thought

I went in further inspecting every inch until I heard  one of the furniture's move quick I decided to climb into the chest

It stunk smelt like a human rotting chest I looked thought a small hole the chest has

All I see is the empy area trying to look more to the side to see the unknown person

But no luck waiting and waiting they never came to where the hole was facing but then my breath hitched when

I heard footsteps coming close slowly to my hiding spot I stopped breathing from the fear of being caught then being slaughtered

I looked through the hole this time seeing a dress a blue dress while they came closer the hole also became covered

I closed my eyes hearing a them sliding their fingers on top of the chest like they are teasing me enjoying the fear they smell off me

Then the lid came flying off

I opened my eyes slowly coming face to face with a women?

A pretty one she offered a hand and I took it she pulled me up surprised with a lot of strength

I nodded as a thank you and stepped out she turned away from me

It seemed like she was about to leave me again

"WAIT" I shouted out she stopped and turned around slowly looking at me like she's waiting for me to talk

"At least tell me your name" I smiled a little hoping she respond to my harmless question

She opened her mouth and I heard "mana" but not in a women voice a man voice it was very deep unlike a women would have

I stood their my thoughts coming back in

"I only dress like this to get money from men" he said he must have sensed my fear again

"Oh" all I was able to say in the moment I must admit I felt a bit embarrassed about mistaking him as a women but I do have to say

He would still look good as a women

While dozed in my thoughts I haven't noticed he left half way though the tunnel

I ran as quick as I can I'm not letting him leave me again after all leaving me to look for him

"All I want to say is that you should come by the castle tonight" is all I said after I caught up

He looked at me and gave me a weird look a look I knkw anyone would give if I say that to them

"Its ok my room has a window and the window is faced in a non guarded area"

Again he just looked at me then looked away didn't make any emotion didn't say a word or make any signal

I decided to not talk maybe it bother him more if I do since people who aren't very talkative are for a reason

Seeing the entrance I felt sad that our time has ended and we must be separated again but I hope he comes by tonight stepping up into the world again seeing the sun being set I wondered

How long we were in there for

I looked beside me and saw he wasn't there again he was hallway away from me

I caught up to him  but when reached the end he stopped

I looked at him Wanting to ask if something is a problem he put his index finger over his sleeps then used his free to make a shoot motion

I followed his instructions going i looked back and saw him in the same space looking at me until I hear my name

Seeing the towns people worried about me asking me if im OK or if someone has harmed me I just stayed silent thinking about him thinking if he come over tonight

Romeo? Mana Sama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now