Just like the first time, there's nothing soft or pleasant about the kiss. It's a clang of teeth, of lips pressed hard together, rough and angry. The phone tumbles from Wooyoung's fingers as he reaches his hands up to fist in the back of San's shirt. lt hurts, the way San's pushing him against the bookshelf, but his hands are under Wooyoung's shirt almost instantly, fingertips sliding up his back, over his shoulder blades before sliding back down, skimming over his ribs. Wooyoung's lips part, and it gets even more violent, the way San tries to dominate the kiss but Wooyoung fights him on it, pushing his body hard against San's, tongue insistently curling against San's as his head swims, not enough oxygen getting into his lungs. When San's lips move off his so he can bite along Wooyoung's jaw, Wooyoung grits out, "You can't tell me what to do, you know." San bites sharply at his neck in retaliation. "You don't even want to go," he argues. "You're so fucking infuriating." Wooyoung tilts his head back, giving San more access as his lips and teeth attack Wooyoung's neck. "Pretty-big word there, San," he gasps out. "Fuck."

San's fingers fumble with the button on Wooyoung's jeans, and it hits him like a brick, the fact that they're in the library. The fact that they're in the library and San is trying to get his jeans off. Succeeding, really, because he's tugging down the zipper, too, hand crawling into Wooyoung's boxers. "Wait, wait," Wooyoung breathes. "San-" San pulls back abruptly. His lips are puffy and parted and slick. He steps right away from Wooyoung as if Wooyoung burned him. "We're in the library," Wooyoung explains, for some reason regretful that San's no longer touching him. Weakly, he adds, "Someone could see."

He's not sure what happened, but San is back on him instantly, kissing Wooyoung again as he undoes the button on his own pants. San grinds him into the shelf, hips rolling against Wooyoung's, the button of his trousers digging painfully into Wooyoung's hip but he doesn't really care. San's hard against him, and he's hard, too, and the only thing he does care about is the fact that they could get caught. Anyone, at any moment, could come into this aisle and see them. There'd be no denying what they're doing, and Wooyoung can't afford to get banned from the library, he really can't.

Only - San's hand is in his boxers again, and he's got a loose fist wrapped around Wooyoung's cock, pumping it slowly as he sucks at Wooyoung's collarbone. Wooyoung's traitorous body arches into the touch, pushing up into San's hand as a moan slips between his lips. He needs to stop this, he knows he does, because the first time was a bad enough idea. This... this is worse than the first time, because not only is he hooking up with San, which in itself is at the top of the list of 'Stupidest Things Wooyoung Has Ever Done', they're also in the fucking library. So it makes no sense that Wooyoung pushes his hands down the back of San's pants, pulling them closer together while simultaneously trying to pull San's boxers down.

San's hand is suddenly gone, and the elastic of Wooyoung's boxers snaps against his stomach until San pushes them down a bit, freeing his cock, doing the same to his own. He keeps a hand around Wooyoung's back, between the shelf and his body, to hold them together while the other grabs at Wooyoung's hair. Wooyoung's moan tangles with San's when they slide together just right, but it's not good enough. He could come like this, sure, but it'll take forever, and he's frustrated enough already. It's no surprise that San does this to him, makes him feel crazy and so fucking heated, because it's always been like that. Only right now they're sort of channelling that rage into fucking instead of yelling at each other.

"You need to be quiet," San grunts. He pulls back, resting his forehead against Wooyoung's, fitting a hand between their bodies. He wraps it around both of them easily, and Wooyoung thinks that, despite his words, he wants Wooyoung to be loud. "Don't want someone to hear us, do you?" "N-no," Wooyoung lets out, lifting a shaky hand to push his hair out of his face.

When San speeds up, the wet sound of skin on skin loud in the very quiet library, Wooyoung's hand falls flat against his shoulder, fingers curling, trying to hold on because he feels like he's falling, that swooping in his stomach again. "Fuck, San." San laughs, rough and low. "Say it again," he orders. "Moan my name again." Wooyoung tries to glare at him, but San's thumb glides over the tip of his cock and instead he closes his eyes, head tilting back against the shelf. "Fuck you," he still gets out. San pulls his hair sharply at that. "Does it bother you?" he asks, lips at Wooyoung's neck again. "The fact that it feels this good. That I'm the one doing this to you, and you like it so much?"

Wooyoung's head slams into the spine of a book, and it hurts but fuck. He can't tell if it's San's words or his lips that send shivers through him, but it doesn't really matter because either way they're still because of San. That heat in his stomach is still San. His gasping breaths are San's, his whimpering moans are San's; in that moment, Wooyoung is San's. And San knows it. "Why are you talking?" Wooyoung whines. There's no other word for it. "Just- San."

San chuckles against him, but his hand speeds up its movements, Wooyoung pathetically rutting up into his hand, and the sound dies in his throat. Just like the first time, San's teeth clamp down on Wooyoung's shoulder when he comes. He doesn't stop, except for the slight hitch in his movements as his body shudders. He pants against Wooyoung's neck, and Wooyoung is a mess with San's come-slicked fingers working him over. He's not even trying to be quiet, at this point, as his hands grip the edges of the shelf and San's free hand comes up to cover his mouth. That's probably a good thing, because Wooyoung comes seconds later, choking back an embarrassing sound that San's fingers muffle.

San wipes his hand on Wooyoung's boxers, and Wooyoung would glare at him for it if he could think. San smirks, does up his own pants, and then he leans in to whisper in Wooyoung's ear, "You look good wrecked," and then he's sauntering down the aisle, disappearing from sight.

Wooyoung stares at his back before hurrying to do up his own jeans, making a face at the sticky mess San's made of his boxers. Fuck, now he's going to have to go change, but that's not really the biggest issue here, is it? No, the whole thing is a big issue, because he just hooked up with San again. And fuck if it wasn't the hottest thing to ever happen to him.

His heart is still racing, his breath is still unsteady, and he feels like his legs aren't strong enough to hold him up. But he bends down to pick up his phone, and he quickly sends a text to Hongjoong.

Forget whatever I said. I'd love to come to the party. :)

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