First part; 9th of September 1977

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(Friday) 9th September -

Revenge -

They went to sleep late the night before. Every minute of the evening had been spent plotting and planning their revenge. It needed to be perfect. Perfectly mischievous.

"Nothing dangerous, though," said Evans.

Sirius sighed. "You're no fun. They almost killed Nova." His friend shivered a bit. "We should show them how it feels like."

"We're not like them," argued Nova. He was feeling weird and uncomfortable, and his throat still hurt. Even if he despised Snape and his Slytherins friends, he wasn't going to lower their level.

It was weird to plan a prank with Evans and her friends. Like the mystical head-girl was helping the Marauders plan a joke on her very ex-best friend. It was odd. Useful, but weird.

James stood up. "We could do something with the air though."

Evans looked up at him suspiciously. "What?" A spark appeared in Sirius'eyes. His friend had gotten an idea. And a brilliant one by the look on his face.

"Yeah, I mean they made Nov' suffocate. It's their turn," added Padfoot.

Lily gave him a dirty look. "We said no murder."

James smirked. "I didn't say anything about killing anybody." He grinned even wider. They were all looking at him. They were all looking at James. As always, he was the leading Marauder.

Evans was the first to break the silence.

"What are you thinking about, Potter?"

His eyes brightened. "We are going to flood the dungeons."

There was their revenge.


Nova hadn't slept at all that night. He was so nervous. Their plan, as bold as it was, seemed to him very unlikely to succeed. It was too ambitious, too complicated. But as the Marauders, it was their daily routine. Dealing with half-made-up plans. Improvising for the most part. It wasn't very different from their other plans. Therefore, why was he feeling so bad?

He dressed up in silence. The others were already downstairs. He grabbed his wand and his headphones before joining them.

Then, their revenge began.

And it began with an explosion.

"Ready?" muttered James under the cloak, the map in his hand. They nodded. "Alright, let the biggest revenge in history begin."

They were waiting right in front of the Slytherin Common Room. The five of them were under the cloak, the wait seemed to last longer than they'd expected. But finally, the last student left the room, a hand on his nose and mumbling something about the "bloody toilets who exploded right in their freaking face!"

Sirius smirked. "Great idea Moony." Remus grinned back at him and the five of them entered right before the door closed.

Nova took a second to admire the Slytherin Common Room. It was all green and silver, even the fireplace was glimmering in a sweet green-like light. It wasn't as cozy as the Gryffindor one, the comfortable couch was here made of black leather and not (matière de canapé). Still, it looked like a nice place to live in.
A shame they were going to flood it.

"Don't forget about the protective charms," he added when James turned to the boys' dorm room. His friend agreed with a quick nod.

Evans had looked up these spells.

Without a word, they divided the place into four parts. Remus and Sirius would do the main room. James the protective charms and the girls' rooms - he had found a way to get there and Nova didn't think about asking questions - and Peter and Nova would flood the boys'. Remus and Sirius would be the last ones to leave the place; the Common Room would be flooded last. Bit by bit, the green and silver began to disappear beneath the black lake's cold water. Even some fishes arrived through the little portal they had made.

It was Remus's idea. And it was brilliant. Surprisingly, Evans and he had come up with most of the practical part.

In less than five minutes, they had drained enough water to flood every inch of the Slytherin Common Room. They took a moment to admire their work. The fireplace was still on, thanks to Evans' very effective charms, and was lighting up the whole place. Some fish were swimming peacefully above the leather couchs. A smooth natural-like light seemed to be coming from above as if they were at the bottom of the lake. It was beautiful.

"Damn it, we really did it," muttered Nova, amazed. His four friends were just as he was; looking at their work with fascinated faces. James patted him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, you said it, mate. We did it."

"We should go," said Pete. "People are coming." With a last glance at the Common Room, Nova went under the cloak. Peter turned into a rat and got into Mourdoux's pocket. They hid in a dark corner and waited. If they came back right now they would be under-covered immediately. Nobody would believe that the five Marauders weren't up to a prank, this early in the morning.
But it was bold of them, to stay on the crime scene like that, but what was life without a little risk?

The first Slytherin student arrived a minute later. They opened the door and froze.

"What the hell..."

The Marauders left before betraying themselves. That was step three of their plan; leave before getting detention. Which was leading directly to step four; celebrating their victory.

The five of them arrived in the Great Hall looking as innocent as possible. For the moment, no one knew what they had done. But their reputation had been well built on years of pranks.

They sat down and began to eat their breakfast. Evans was eyeing them from the end of the table. She was almost smiling.

Funny how some things turned out.

*I don't own this picture, it comes from Pinterest

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