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a/n: This story has no point, I only doing this for fun and also because I like writing. <3


Once upon a time a human named Something.

He was tall and small at the same time (a/n: he was tall for short people and small for tall people).

He has a friend human who named Someone. The friend was king with Something and he was the only person who understand Something. Something doesn't have a lot of friend but he pretty sociable

Something doesn't have parents, he live alone in a very large house. Sometimes, he throw a party at his house, but like I said before, he doesn't have a lot a friend so he just sit in the couch with Someone, there're best friend.

Something is in high school. This the place where Something and Someone met. Something is a pretty good student, he usually have B or C at a test. But he's also a bad sportive so, in sport, he always has E.

Something has a favorite quote:
"Ignorance is temporary but stupid is permanent."  (wow -_-)

I hope you enjoy this story !
Don't hesitate to give me your opinion

English isn't my first language (I'm French) so sorry if there's any fault. I don't use google traduction bc i just don't want to. I also doing this story in English to practice the language.

The next part is going to talk about the past of Something.
See you at the next part <3
oh yes, and I'm sorry for the music haha.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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