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I walked through the portal and found myself at the gates of UA. "Why do I have a bad feeling about all of this?" I questioned as I walked onto the school grounds. I looked behind me to see the guys standing guard by the entrance and upon turning around to look where I was going I found two more guarding the actual school. "Why the hell are you guys here?"

"Orders from the boss, sir." I shook my head and walked in deciding I would just go to class in what I was wearing so I wasn't more late than I already was. Well, suffice to say I instantly regretted that decision. 

"Bakugo, this is a first I was almost - Where did you get that sweatshirt?" Aizawa asked upon looking up from his desk. Those words then brought the attention of everyone in the room to me. 

"OH MY GOD! Did you sleep with him?! Sho that will be twenty bucks!" Uraraka said the minute her eyes landed on my clothes and messier-than-usual hair. 

"Damn it," Shoto said as he handed the money over to the brunette. 

"I didn't sleep with anyone! Who the hell do you take me for Pink cheeks?!" 

"Dang it!" 

"Hold on now. Who are we talking about?" Aizawa questioned urgently. 

"Izuku Midoryia, where else would he get the hoodie from Mr. Aizawa?" Shoto said upon yanking his money back from the greedy girl. 

"I'm sorry I don't think I'm following." The tired man said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"Yea I don't think we are either," Mina spoke up. 

"You shut up. I don't think we asked for your input Pinky. Why would you guys care anyway since you see Bakubabe for something he's not? Next to that when was the last time you actually referred to him as Bakugo or anything aside from a Hoe or a bully? So shut your dry pink lips up." Uraraka told Mina causing everyone who wasn't in the nerd squad to drop their jaw. 

"Whoa now that was uncalled for," Denki responded. 

"I don't recall asking you either. Not only are you lying to everyone about what happened but you are trying to take Bakubabe's ex to make him yours. You can go apply to clown school cause that's all you are making yourself out to be. While you're at it why don't you work on your shitty makeup skills? Even Tenya can do better than that and he's only touched makeup once!" The brunette continued. "Before you even try to jump in on this Red Riot, you should think about what kind of people you want to hang around. Cause the people you're surrounded with now all suck shit. Sero, you're cool. Jirou you're also cool cause I know damn well you know everything which is why I applaud you for not taking part in it. That's all I have to say, Aizawa if you're going to send me to detention now is the time to do it since I've spoken everything on my mind."

The tired man just looked dazed and fed up with it at this point. "Sero I know you made brownies the other day. Give me the good ones and I'll ignore everything that just went down 'cause I don't want to deal with this shit right now."

"Yes Sir!" Sero said as he dug some out of his bag and handed one to the teacher looking proud of himself. 

"Oi Pink cheeks," I said garnering the nerd squad's attention, "Nice job, but you could use a bit of work. Though I get the feeling you were holding back a bit."

"Awe, Bakubabe I think that is the nicest thing I've ever heard from you! But in all seriousness how did it go?" As if summoning the green devil the man showed up suddenly. 

"We had a bunch of fun, Miss. Uraraka. In fact, I think Kacchan enjoyed our time together yesterday and last night." Izuku said as he placed an arm around me. 

"Why the hell are you here? Also, where the fuck did you go this morning?! I wasn't done talking with you!" I asked looking over my shoulder at him with a glare. 

"While that may be true you never did call me once you got to the school. To answer your first and second question I had a meeting with the Headmaster, he's quite the deranged thing, isn't he? Now, what else did you want to talk about? I can bring you back to my place if you need to talk about it privately." Izuku asked as he brought his face unnecessarily close to mine. 

"First backup. Second don't you know better than to listen to a drunk person's words?! Third, we are just acquaintances so stop trying to flirt with me until, if ever, we get to know each other better. Lastly, Fuck off." It was then I realized if I had a penny for every time I told someone to fuck off I'd have a private jet. I also realized I probably shouldn't have done that in front of the whole class. Because now I had to deal with a maniacally laughing rich man and a room of people looking like their souls left their bodies. 

"God damn that's why I like you so much. You'll have to take care, Mr. Theif, cause we'll be seeing each other again. Have a good class everyone, do take care of Kacchan and if I find out any of you were rude to him unnecessarily you don't want to know what will happen." With that, he turned and left, not before he could sneak a small kiss on the back of my hand though. 

"I can't wait to fucking kick his ass." I huffed under my breath while Sero and the nerds came over to congratulate me.

"Look at you go, bro, you're going to make girls and gays jealous." Sero joked while swinging his arm over my shoulders. 

"Shut up Tape for elbows. I'm not in the mood and my head is pounding."

"Hangover?" Tsu asked upon handing me a bottle of water and some over-the-counter headache pills.

"Bold of you to assume I haven't already taken meds. Thank you though." I said as downed the pills. This was definitely a change from my group, a good change. Before if I had a hangover I was left to mostly suffer on my own while the others made fun of me for it or got obnoxiously loud. 

"Alright since Aizawa is out for the taking we will use this hour as a study session for today and resume our class tomorrow. I would take this time to study for the next period's test or finish any homework due today." Iida announced as he gathered everyone's attention. 

"Hey now just because I had one good brownie doesn't mean I'm out for the taking. I am still perfectly fine to teach. Though Sero your baking skills need improvement. Back in your seats everyone, Bakugo we'll talk after this class ends." I nodded to the tired man and went to sit in my seat, some of the new squad around me and checking in periodically by passing random notes trying to make me laugh. 

I learned that being late isn't always a bad thing with the right people. They teased me but in a gentle and friendly way, not in a jabbing or stabbing way. It was a welcomed change in pace. 

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