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Bas: I'm bas

Bas pov

The teacher told me to introduced myself so I did but my eyes are searching for apo... While I was looking for him.. I found apo who is sitting near the window and looking at me... I looked at him back... And the teacher told me to go and sit so I went to last seat and sat down... Then the teacher starts the class.......
Apo the person mile who wants to protect him.. At first I saw he really looks innocent and fragile person.. And whoever the fuvk attacks him I hope phi mile kills him..

End of bas pov....

While during class.. Apo and his friends talking about bas..

Biu: wow look at him so damn serious and cold personality man..

Ping: Yeah.. I don't think so no one gonna go and ask to be my friend.. Because look at him... I still remember the cold glare that he gave to one girl... Oh my goodness gracious

Apo pov...

Bas... A new student.. Not gonna lie he's looking so Damn handsome and hot guy but... Why is he so serious? The way he looked at me.. Don't know but I got chills all over my body... And he's wearing all black from head to toe.. And why tho.. Don't he have any dresses to wear or what..biu is correct.. I don't think no one gonna ask him to be my friend.. Who else gonna be his friend tho.....ughh whatever let's focus on the class apo

End of the apo's pov..

After uni...

By the end of the day.. Apo got little curious about bas... Anyway he left uni and walking to his home and of course bas following apo without knowing him... Soon apo reached home and after confirmed apo is safe he left from to vampire world...

In Vampire world...

Bas went to vampire world and met mile

Mile: ohh bas.. How's apo?

Bas: Yeah phi.. He's good... I joined as a student where apo studying.. So no worries... I will make him my friend soon..

Mile: That's great bas.. And thank you so much for accepting this for me

Bas: No worries phi.. I will do anything for you na

Bas said and mile smiled and patted his shoulder

Bas: ohh phi... I will stay in human world from tommorow.. So I won't come to vampire world

Mile: oh? Are you sure bas?  And where will you gonna stay?

Bas: Yes phi and don't worry.. I will take one house and stay there

Mile: Hmm k bas as your wish but be careful k.. Don't forget to protect yourself too

Bas: don't worry na p'mile I will protect my self while protecting apo

Bas said while smiling at mile and they both talked for sometime and bas left from there...

Mile is little bit relieved because there's bas to protect apo instead of him.. But he's already missing apo..

Mile: Goodness.. I already missing him... I will meet you soon po.. I love you

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