26: Shotgun Señorita

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Aja pressed her serrator into Douxie's chest. Her frown deepened. She didn't even acknowledge Claire's look of shock.

"W-what?" Douxie looked taken aback.

Aja held firm, "I said, who are you? Were you sent by General Morando?"

"I've never heard of anyone called General Morando. The name's Hisirdoux Casperan, Douxie for short. I live in Arcadia." The wizard somewhat composed himself for a response.

Tarron lowered her weapon slightly but still kept her ocean grey gaze firmly locked on the young man before her. She toyed with revealing her form, but then realised that her transduction technology had only been applied around an hour or so ago so it wouldn't wear off until the evening. She regarded the situation carefully.

"I have to send a texting message!" She proclaimed loudly.

Douxie and Claire exchanged a confused look. Aja put the serrator away, pulled her phone out and began typing furiously.

Little brother, you need to find Varvatos and let him know that I've found something. I think I have found the source of Akiridion technology.

Krel's response chimed in seconds later.

Seklos and Gaylen, already? I'll let him know, we'll be home faster than we thought. Sit tight Aja. DON'T do anything reckless and impulsive!

Don't do anything reckless and impulsive.
Aja thought over the words a few times and knew her patience wouldn't last until Krel and Varvatos Vex arrived. Besides, as an heir to the throne, she ought to take matters into her own four hands and neutralise the threat herself. She thought of her happy her parents would be if she singlehandedly took out a threat to the throne of Akiridion-5 and recovered a weapon that allowed them to win the war against Morando.
She'd had enough of waiting.
Douxie barely had time to even react before Aja sent him flying. Her kick had hit him square in the chest and knocked the air out of him. He hit the floor, laying there winded.

"¡Dios mío! What the hell Aja?!" Claire finally spoke up.

Aja turned to face the human girl. The expression on Nuñez's face was one of shock with an undertone of slight awe.
Claire pushed her feelings to one side and ran in front of Tarron before she could land another blow on the fallen wizard.

Aja scowled, her tone cold, "Claire, please move. This doesn't incident doesn't concern you. He's my problem and I really don't want to make you my problem too."

Claire's mahogany coloured eyes glazed over. She looked legitimately afraid for split second, until she too took on an angered expression.

"No," She stood her ground stubbornly, "This does concern me. He's one of my only shots at finding answers to whatever the fuck is going on here."

Aja suddenly felt a cold, sharp point pressing against the small of her back. She froze up, her shoulders stiffening. She slightly craned her neck round to see a large sword being held at her. Claire's face lit up with relief, Douxie's with genuine surprise.

"Step away from my friend and the goth." The voice of Toby Domzalski said confidently.

Aja wanted to retaliate but then realised Toby wasn't alone. Next to him, looking incredibly disappointed was her younger brother.

"Ay-yi-yi Aja...you...I ugh..." Krel sighed.

The five teens stood around in awkward silence and stared at each other. Claire eventually broke the tension, running over and hugging Toby with a stupidly wide grin. Toby grunted from the impact of her full body weight slamming into him. Daylight dissipated from his hands in a shower of blue sparks.
Krel walked up to his impulsive sister and lightly hit her round the back of the head, muttering some kind of Akridion profanity under his breath.
Douxie stumbled to his feet again and attempted to take control of the situation.

"Alright you lot, I think there's been a slight misunderstanding. Let's all take it in turns to explain what we're doing and then we can work out what to do next?" He suggested calmly.

Aja huffed, "Fine."

Douxie began to speak, "I noticed there'd been something wasn't right in this area and set a trap to hopefully catch whatever it was that did...that..."

He pointed at the pile of rubble on the floor. Aja maintained her scowl, but kept listening.

"Aja and I were heading into town to get breakfast when we came across this and got trapped. I dunno why she was so mad." Claire added.

Aja quietly spoke, "My little brother and I moved here after a military coup in our home country. His trap looked like Aki-uh-Cantaloupian tech, I thought he was a bounty hunter. I'm still suspicious."

"I got Aja's text about needing help with a potential bounty hunter, so I was heading this way when I found Toby sneaking around the bushes. He decided to come with me and he had some form of serrator...fascinating..." Krel sighed.

Toby didn't say anything, but just shrugged with a small giggle. His hair bounced as he laughed.

"Well, there we are, I think we've identified we all seem to have a reason for being here," Douxie commented nonchalantly, "So, with those reasons established, now we can all stop trying to kill each other?"

Aja narrowed her gaze but stepped back, taking an aggressive stance next to Krel. Krel on the other hand, just rolled his eyes at her and focused on what they were all doing there.
Claire offered an apologetic smile to Douxie for her crush's aggression, walking to Toby's side.

She whispered into Domzalski's ear, "I'm assuming you were out here doing something to do with Jim?"

Toby whispered back, "Well, kinda. Those two trolls from the other night showed up at my house and I didn't want anyone to see them - not that it'd be an issue for Nana, she's legally blind anyway. So we were headed somewhere when I heard something and ran into Krel."

The duo ended their brief discussion and looked over at the Tarron siblings who were currently whispering covertly as they had been. Tensions were still high in the air, so many unexplained things, alas, they all were holding back on the truth.

"Breakfast, anyone? It's on me, for the inconvenience of this little debacle." Douxie offered, extending his arm out towards the direction of town.

There were a few more hushed whispers and Claire finally spoke up on behalf of everyone, "We'd love that, it'd be a good chance to unwind and get to know each other better. I have a feeling that we shouldn't be fighting."

Aja rolled her eyes back, but agreed begrudgingly. Krel and Toby seemed slightly more enthusiastic. As they all began to head back towards the town centre, Aja quietly slipped her hand into  Claire's. Nuñez blushed but snatched her hand away and ran to catch up to Douxie. There was something slightly off about Aja and she planned to find out what.

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