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Dear all KBC staff members and family.

It has been a 20 months since i first step in as KBC staff from Feb21. It may not be the longest period of time to work with a company, but with you guys in KBC its does feel a little bit longer than just almost two years.

And it sure does feel fruitful i would say. I myself wouldn't described myself as someone who are the easiest person to work with. Some may even goes to the extend of saying i am impossible to work with.

Some of our discussion sometimes even lead to a "heated" argument. Rest assured, those so called argument are never taken least not for me. For me, its just works and i found the argument was needed for us to reach a better understanding among us. And this so called "heated" argument sometimes are needed for us to grow and know each other better.

I definitely hope you all feel the same way and
I hope it does reflect to us back in the future, insyaAllah.

Thank you bos @ojay for the opportunity to serve in your company. For your consideration,your compassionate decision for the company and thanks for willing to listen and even sometimes maybe argue with us over how to betterment of this company.

To @anas as the person who brought me into KBC, thanks for believing in me and trusting me to be together with you as the first two founding members of KBC ARCHITECTURE DEPT.

To @nadzrul our GM who really did his best to make the best out of us as KBC staff and try to protect us and having our interest at heart. Hopefully our GM can keep doing what he did best for our company staff. Thank you.

KBC have undergone some major changes since the early days of KBC. We used to have all department with only one man show,mainly.

For example, in the early days of KBC ,we used to have a one man show for Human Resource dept (which when the person in charge refused to call it HR and want for it to be called as staff affairs only). That same staff also had to take care of company account as our company account dept.  Thanks @syafiqroslan our account dept. Gonna miss our discussion and argument and bantering each other. Also gonna miss @kakfizah cooking, especially her roti jala.

But now,we have an almost proper Human Resource officer. Thats an advancement from @fatimah and thank you.

For my beloved colleague from ARCHITECTURE DEPT, @nad @jeki and @wafa. Thank you so much for your support and trust in me in my tenure as your HOD. Its been a pleasure to work with you guys and hopefully we can still be friends. Please feel free to ask me if you guys needed anything regarding design or whatever endeavour you guys may be facing in our architecture fields.

Thanks also for maira and syafiqsham as admin for helping me doing my jobs effectively. Also to mazlin and fazira and all the best for your study.

And last but not least, for our SALES DEPT,its been a pleasure to work hand in hand with you guys.

And mr adi,thank you and GNR rules. IronMaiden sucks.

Thank you so much, KBC.

Mohd Ramzan/Garam
KBCP014 signing off.

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