{Day 1 part 1} Unbelievable

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(I feel like Madeleine is acting a bit different than usual in this part but that's because he's careful with Espresso so pls bare with me ty)

It's late. Very late. Too late. And yet here he is. Espresso cookie. Sitting at his desk in all his...glory? No that's not the word. He hasn't slept in at least 3 days and is now on his 14th cup of coffee. Of the day. Little does he know, the day has already ended.

[Espresso pov]

My head is throbbing, but if I keep going at a steady pace, I might just finish my work today. I have to, I've been procrastinating this certain task too long. It had to be done eventually. I stretch and let out a groan as my back cracks. Ouch. That hurt- how long have I been sitting like this? I check the time. Shit. It's past 3 am. I sigh and glance at my empty coffee mug. Just one more. I try to make myself a fresh coffee using my magic, but to no avail. Maybe a nap....ugh. Fine.

I get up, dizziness striking immediately, followed by a wave of nausea. Dear God I should've gone to bed sooner, this is horrible. Madeleine won't be happy if he hears about this. I'll just not tell him. He won't know. And what he doesn’t know can't hurt him. Hm, maybe that's why he's so durable? I chuckle at my thought as I make my way to my bedroom, tracing my hand along the wall as my sense of balance feels...off. And it's dark. I enter my bedroom and change into my pyjamas, then crawl into the comfortable warmth of my bed. A soft huff escapes my mouth as my head hits the pillow.

If I'm being completely honest with myself, I don't mind that Madeleine shows up every morning to check on me. It's nice to know he cares about me. He cares for everyone but...he only checks up on me. Is that weird? I mean, yeah I am the only cookie who does not sleep unless absolutely necessary, and occasionally skips meals just so I can work, but that doesn't mean I need a babysitter. Especially not him- if anything he needs babysitting! Ugh. Usually I'd be annoyed knowing he'll show up in the morning, as he always distracts me for at least half an hour. One time he stayed two hours, which is absurd if you ask me. But, right now? I'm actually kinda glad he's gonna be here tomorrow. He has the key to my house, and he can wake me up when he arrives. Then I'll get back to work early so that I can finally move on. I just hope my nausea and headache will be gone by then, or else who knows how long that idiot insists on staying.

[Time skip to the next day; 8 am]
[Madeleine pov]

I'm late. Very late. I hope it's not too late!! Running over to Espresso's house, I ignore everyone who's trying to greet me. Sorry. I don't even pick up his morning coffee like I do everyday. Gahh I hope he's not mad- or hurt! Oh dear, please, great Divine, let him be okay! I know he's bitter, but I bet he's really sweet once he warms up to you!! Oh, if only he'd warm up to me...

I shake off my thoughts, I'm here. I open the door and walk in. Odd, the scent of coffee lingers, but it's not as strong as it usually is. Did...did something happen?? "Espresso!?" I cry out, worried. I run up to his lab to check if he's there. He isn't. Maybe....Oh! Maybe he's asleep!! I walk over to his bedroom, gently knocking on the door. "...'Spresso?" I ask. No response, just a soft groan. Okay, then, um. Hesitantly, I open the door. It's really warm in here and- oh there he is! Asleep. Wow. A sleeping Espresso cookie. What a weird sight to behold, but, pleasant nonetheless.

[Nobody pov]

Madeleine walks over to the bed, crouching down beside it. Espresso is sleeping on his back, his head slightly turned to the side. Soft breaths leaving his lips. Madeleine can't help but smile. Espresso is beautiful when he's asleep. He's never seen Espresso sleep before. Madeleine then notices Espresso's glasses still resting on his nose, so he takes them off and puts them on the nightstand. He gazes at Espresso for another moment, astonished by his beauty. He really was in love with him. But deep down, he knows that the mage before him would never feel the same. He sighs, gently stroking Espresso's cheek, but he instantly retracts his hand. "Essy you're burning up..." he mumbles before pressing the back of his hand gently against the other's forehead. "Yup, that's a fever." He sighs. "Poor Espresso.." He thinks, getting up, his armour making some noises he prays to the Divine won't wake him up. And his prayers were answered. Espresso's eyes stay shut, and his breathing keeps steady. Phew. Madeleine knew what he had to do, and with his goal in mind, he left again.

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