Pierre pulled Y/n into his driver room. He perched on the massage bed, looking awfully relaxed. She was looking at him with wide eyes, "What the hell happened out there!" Pierre smiled "You needed a coffee and I had to get you to myself" he muttered the last part putting his hand on her waist pulling her toward him, holding her coffee up to her. She took a sip, not taking it from Pierre though "You could have died" she practically whispered the next part "and I didn't tell you to be safe". Pierre put the coffee down, removing his hand from her waist, taking her two into his and placed them on his face. "I'm okay, I promise" he stared straight into her eyes. Her thumb caressed his cheek, "good". She stayed there between his legs, just holding his face, making sure he was real. "Please don't ever do that again, I couldn't bear it if-" she rambled on. "I know Princesse, I won't let you lose someone else who matters". She snorted, even though his sentiment was there. "Who said you mattered to me" Pierre pushed her away slightly. "Anyway, are you going to be in Milan next week, like are you going home before the race in Monza?" Y/n was trying to change the subject. "I fly back on sunday night, why?" Pierre said pulling her back towards him. "Well, I was thinking of going on monday, because I've got friends from university there, and I thought maybe if you were going to be there, we could do something together. I need to check with my old flatmate if it's okay I stay with her, for a few days before Charles arrives but she'll say yes." Y/n was babbling, nervous Pierre would be to busy to see her or worse, not want to see her. "Are you asking me on a date?" Y/n shrugged. "The answer is yes either way, and no, I don't think you should stay at your old uni flat, it has bad memories, no?" He paused but didn't wait for her to answer. "You can stay with me, I have a spare room and it has the best view in Milan. I won't accept a no FYI". Y/n smiled sheepishly, "are you sure". Pierre nodded pushing a hair out of the girl's face, before grimacing and holding his shoulder. "Are you okay" Y/n asked instinctively putting her hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, my shoulder is just sore" Pierre said quickly. "I don't know, a shunt like that would have probably pulled some of the muscles and ligaments around your scapula, clavicle and spine, I'd probably say levator scapulae, one of the rhomboids or the supraspinatus" Y/n said looking at Pierre. Pierre looked at her with his mouth open, "Charles wasn't kidding when he called you kid genius. How do you know all of that?" Y/n chuckled, "I do have a university degree Pierre, I mainly specialized in bones, but  you do have to know some of the muscular anatomy for load carrying parts of evolution and wear on bones and all sorts of stuff. Plus I used to read Papa's oncologists copy of Gray's Anatomy, when he went in for chemo." Pierre still looked stunned, "Has anyone ever told you that you're amazing?" Y/n just giggled again. "You won't after this, I'm gonna fix it for you but I have to work out whether its anterior or posterior first." Y/n dug her finger into Pierre's shoulder and he tried to muffle the shout it caused, squeezing her waist as a reaction. Y/n was mumbling "I'm sorry" over and over as she prodded his shoulder.

When she finally had worked out where the pain was coming from, she leant back and smiled. "I'll have bruises there tomorrow" Y/n said as she removed his hands from her waist, and then placed her hand on his chest pushing him onto his back on the massage bed. "Now, this part shouldn't be as painful". Pierre was lying on his back, looking at girl confused. His face got even more confused as she got up onto the massage bed and straddled his waist. "Woah Princesse, we haven't even kissed yet, what do you think you're doing." His hands instinctively went to her thighs, holding her so she didn't fall. "OMG Pierre" Y/n exclaimed slapping his chest, "I'm going to massage your shoulder and this is the best way to get at that muscle." Pierre blushed. Y/n felt a sort of tingle seeing him blushing under her. "You're going to need to take your top off, and do you have deep heat? or some kind of muscle gel?" Pierre nodded and pointed behind her, "You'll have to shift back a little so I can take my top off". Y/n did as she was told, shifting lower on Pierre's body. She was now straddling his hips, and as she leaned backwards to grab the gel, a string of very inappropriate images flooded Pierre's brain. Basically if the pair were a lot less clothed, they'd be in Pierre's second favourite sex positions, cowgirl. He threw his t-shirt off and onto the floor, trying to get that picture out of his head. Y/n had the gel in her hand and was sitting up straight again. Pierre's hand were on her thighs again and as she leant forwards towards him, her dressed slipped forwards so his hands were covered. As she started massaging his shoulder, Pierre would groan and grunt, squeezing her thighs tightly in pain, "I thought you said this wasn't going to be painful." Y/n turned her head at him, he could feel her breath on his neck "I think you'll find I said as painful". As Y/n carried on Pierre's started to let out a few moans as his shoulder started to feel better "You are so good at that, it already feels better". Y/n smiled, "Years of practice, you should feel good as new once I'm finished". More and more moans fell from Pierre's lips. He didn't understand how Y/n could work such magic on his shoulder. He let out another particularly loud moan, which conveniently covered the sound of the door slowly opening.

 "Pierre I was coming to che- OMG! FOR GOD'S SAKE PIERRE! JESUS CHRIST", Pierre's hands shot from where they were placed on Y/n's thighs to her back, pulling her down towards him so her face was hidden from them in his shoulder. Yuki and Pierre's trainer were standing at the door in shock. "It's not what it looks like, Yuki get out, Pyry come in." Pierre shouted. "Why does he get to stay and I don't?" Yuki questioned loudly. "Because he knows who this is and you don't and I'd like to keep it that way." Pierre retorted. Yuki huffed, leaving and slamming the door behind him. Pierre patted Y/n on the back so she knew it was safe to sit up. "Pyry, it really isn't what it looked like." Pyry just laughed, "Mate, I don't care what you do in your free time, I was just coming to see how you were feeling after the crash." Pierre motioned for Y/n to get up so he could sit up. The girl quickly jumped off the bed and stood awkwardly between the two men. "Are you sore anywhere?" Pyry asked looking at Pierre. "Well I was sore in my shoulder, specifically the muscles and ligaments around my scapula, clavicle and spine," Pierre looked at Y/n smirking, "You said the levator scapulae, one of the rhomboids or the supraspinatus, didn't you Princesse?" Y/n just nodded. "Did you work out of it was antelope or post-thingy" Pierre asked again. Y/n mumbled "Anterior". Pyry looked between the two shocked. "Are you a doctor?" he said looking towards Y/n smiling. The girl shook her head, returning his smile, "I had to take a couple physiology and anatomy classes for my degree". "She'd really smart, she'd going to be a doctor eventually, but of Archaeology, not medicine" Pierre said proudly. "You remembered that?" Y/n asked shocked. Pierre just nodded. The small girl turned toward Pyry, "I gave him a muscular massage on the ligaments around his scapula and clavicle, I'm pretty sure it was whiplash but I'm not a doctor so I don't know." Pyry smiled warmly nodding , "And how do you feel now Pierre?" Pierre gave him a thumbs up. "Alright, well I'll leave you two in peace then" Pyry said, walking out the door. 

Y/n looked at Pierre, who was still topless, "I have a question." Pierre motioned for her to continue. "Why did you say it's not what it looks like? What did it look like?" Y/n was clearly confused. Pierre chuckled leaning down to pick up his shirt, "I think it probably looked like we were having sex." Y/n went such a deep shade of red it made Pierre burst into a fit of laughter. Just as he was about to console her that it wasn't that bad, her phone started ringing. She quickly grabbed it "Salut Charles!" she made a point of Charles' name so Pierre knew to be quiet. The frenchman was fiddling with the sleeve of her dress while she spoke to her brother. "Yes, Yes, Okay, Yes, Yup, Okay, I'm just in the bathroom, I'll be there in two minutes, Bye!" she said and hung up the phone. "I have to go meet Charles in the media pen, he said if I saw you on my way I should tell you that journalists are looking for you too". Pierre moved his hand from her sleeve to her hair and smoothed it down, "We better go then, I'll let you out the back and then I'll go out the front. You might want to give me back my jacket."  Y/n pouted, "but it's so comfy!" Pierre laughed "If you fly with me on sunday night, you can steal it back" Y/n giggled again "I think Charles would be suspicious if I asked him." "Ah Princesse such little faith in me, I have a plan" Pierre said as he led the monegasque to the back entrance, waving goodbye as she walked out. She quickly spun back around, ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek. "See you later" she smiled.

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