Austin gets his Chinese food

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Austin's parents were already inside, he half expected his dad to say he was under 18 too get a free meal but he looked too old anyways, Jonathan was there too with his son but he didn't really care.

He got his cup and choose lemonade mumbling something under his breath about 'his land' or something, He followed the rest of his family to a booth and everyone places their drinks.
"We're off to get food if you'd like like to join us." Jonathan said then carried Kyle to go pick out food.

Austin barely filled his plate, he didn't really want to be there but his family kind of forced him to go because 'Bonding with your family', the place has a cheap smell and red decorations everywhere "stereotypical.." He muttered out before sitting back at the table

He poked at his food while everyone ate, not able to work up an appetite. "Austin, could you go grab us some fortune cookies?" Someone said. He perked up, that's kind of the real reason he came here. He gets up from the booth and walks up to a basket holding fortune cookies, it was over filled to the point where a bunch were falling out.

He grabbed a couple to bring back to everyone but quickly came back to the basket, he was glad he wore his jacket that day as he filled his pockets with fortune cookies. Random people stared at him while he did so but he couldn't care, once he felt he filled with pockets enough he slipped away from the basket and came back to the table to eat them all.

Austin Sanders goes to a Chinese Buffet Where stories live. Discover now