The culprit is

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Two days had passed, the first night Jimin woke up a lot in pain, no matter how quiet he tried to be Jungkook seemed to be on his wavelength, waking when he did, fetching painkillers plumping the pillow for his bad foot, carrying him to the bathroom when he needed it.....
Both woke late the next morning, jungkook awoke to find Jimins head on his chest turned towards him his bad foot still on the pillow. He enjoyed the moment, feigning sleep when he realised Jimin was waking
"Oh...," the small boy mumbled realising where he was and who he was laying on. He carefully moved off lying on his back
Jungkook pretended to wake," morning, how are you?"
"Erm it's painful but not as bad as it was."
"Good you want the bathroom?"
"Yes please"
"Ok but wait a minute," he got up and got a clean T shirt and new boxers.
"Here,I'll put a chair near the sink so you can take it easy washing."
He arranged the bathroom putting the clean stuff in there along with the chair.
"Can you manage ok? I'll use the other bathroom,"
Jimin waited til he'd gone then used the toilet hopping back to the sink. He gazed longingly at the shower but settled for the sink, stripping off and completely washing himself. Naked he slumped in the chair worn out. He awkwardly put the boxers on and then the T shirt.
He stood up determined to hop to the bed.
"Why must you be so disobedient, you'll hurt yourself," Jungkook said sweeping him up," bed or downstairs?"
"Downstairs please,"
He was taken down and arranged on the sofa," don't move!" Jungkook said hovering over him.
"Or what?" Jimin said pouting.
"Or I'll have to punish you..."
"Pfft, you wouldn't hurt me!"
"Oh there's other kinds of punishment," Jungkook said quickly pecking his pouting lips.
Jungkook went to the kitchen made breakfast for them both and brought Jimins to him first then got his own.
"Hadn't you better hurry?"
"I'm working from home,"
Damn thought Jimin, he'd thought he could leave in a taxi when the other was at work.
"Your clothes are drying but I can fetch some clothes if you want or borrow mine."
"Can I borrow some sweatpants I feel weird sitting half naked."
"It's not worth the hassle getting them over your bad foot maybe in a few days, also I need to redo the bandage it's come loose."
"Before you do it can I have a shower?"
"Sure if you don't mind me in there you can't stand that long on your own."
Jimin debated then nodded after Jungkook had cleaned up he carried Jimin back up and gently unbandaged his ankle. Jimin hissed as pressure was released. Jungkook methodically undressed him trying his hardest not to show the lust he felt at Jimins body.
"I'll strip down to my boxers so I can hold you up."
Jimin gulped but nodded, soon he was standing under the shower water pouring over him. Jungkook held him lightly around the waist.Jimin kept his injured foot barely touching the ground, one hand holding onto Jungkook the other on the shower wall.
Jungkook put shampoo in Jimins hair massaging it in. Jimin couldn't help the moan of pleasure.
Jungkook felt himself harden, god why did Jimin turn him on so much!
He began washing Jimin hearing the sharp intake of the others breath. As his hands got lower Jimin took his hand of the wall grabbing the soap," I can was myself...."
Jungkook smirked, It seemed little Jimin was reacting too!
Jimin suddenly slipped crying out in pain as his injured foot hit the ground , Jungkook tightened his grip round his waist hauling Jimin against him.
"Careful! Let's rinse you off and get you out,"
Jimin was in pain, but he bit his lip holding it in.
Jungkook wrapped a towel around him carrying him and seating him on the bed, grabbing another towel he stripped his soaked boxers off drying and redressing.
He knelt before Jimin seeing his poor swollen foot , he looked up seeing pain on the others face.
"I'll be as gentle as I can,"
He got a clean bandage wrapping Jimins foot, Jimin at one point grabbed his shoulder in pain.
"There, all done,"
He got a sweatshirt and sweats from his closet, helping Jimin into them,
"No boxers?"
"Go commando who's gonna see?"
Jimin gave a feeble laugh.
"Right painkillers, do you want to be downstairs while I work?"
Jimin nodded and he was carried down, spending the day sleeping and watching Tv.
Now , two days later and Jimins foot was slightly better, enough that he could shower himself much to Jungkooks disappointment.
Jungkook was working his office door open so he knew when Jimin threw the remote down in boredom.
"What's up?"
"I'm bored,"
Jungkook thought," let me give you my laptop, there's a case on there we have been trying to solve, we thought it was this person but they have an alibi, we have a limited time to bring someone to justice, but we can't figure who."
Jimin nodded excitedly and with a note book by his side was soon engrossed.
He kept busy all day writing copious notes, Jungkook had to nudge him to eat.
It was late now Jungkook had finished work earlier but Jimin stayed engrossed.
"It's late, bed..."
The laptop was taken documents saved and then he was picked up and taken upstairs grumbling.
"Just a little more time....."
Jimin lay in bed, an hour and a half had passed, Jungkook was sound asleep laying on his stomach . Jimins head was full of the case he'd been going through, a sudden thought came to him and he knew he'd not sleep until he'd checked it out.
He slipped from the bed, trying to walk and hobbling instead. He slid down the stairs on his bottom rather than walk carefully making his way to the laptop he sat on the sofa and got back to work.
It was four thirty something woke Jungkook up, he turned to check Jimin was ok but found the bed empty. Getting up he looked in the bathroom but it was empty. Going quickly downstairs he was relieved to find Jimin on the sofa , notebook in hand, laptop precariously in his lap, his head lolling to one side fast asleep.
He picked the laptop up about to shut it down when he saw what was on it. Excitement ran through him as he picked Jimins notebook up checking what he'd written.
"I'll be damned, he's done it!"
Putting everything on the coffee table hhe turned to pick Jimin up, the small male nuzzling into his neck in his sleep. He couldn't help but kiss his forehead earning a muttered," Kookie....." but Jimin was still asleep.
Laying him in the bed he sorted the pillow for his foot then slipped in next to him. He lay on his side and put an arm across Jimin wanting him close.
"I think I'm falling for you....." he murmured before closing his eyes drifting off into a deep sleep.

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