Chapter Four

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Kyla (11 years old)

Matt Casey was enjoying a beer at the barbecue sitting with the guys from the house. Kyla was off running around playing with the other kids. They had a rough morning as Kyla had woken up and immediately had an attitude with everything Matt had asked her to do. "Hey kid we gotta get moving so we're not late to the barbecue." Kyla didn't respond other than to roll her eyes and roll over deeper into her covers and cover her head with a pillow. Matt took a deep breath and walked over to where she was laying and pulled the covers off of her rubbing her back. "Please don't fight me this morning kid. It's time to get up" "bubba please leave me alone I'm tired" "come on kyla you've got a big day ahead and your gonna have lots of fun but you've gotta get up" "I said noooo" "you don't tell me no. Now unless you want to end up over my knee I suggest you get up" "ugh fine your so mean" Matt fought the urge to pull her over his knee as she rolled her eyes once again but also rolled out of the bed. She headed for the bathroom "make sure you wash your hair" "why I just washed it" "because it needs to be washed. Now go. I'm tired of arguing with you" "ughhhh" she shut the bathroom door and locked it. She took a shower but didn't wash her heir. She didn't think it needed to be washed and he couldn't make her. When she was done she walked out and saw an outfit laid over the chair. She rolled her eyes again. He treated her like a baby and she was tired of it. She could pick out her own clothes. She put on a tshirt and a pair of Jean shorts before heading to the kitchen to look for food. Matt looked up from where he was making pancakes and took in her unwashed hair and the outfit she had on. "What do you think your doing" "looking for breakfast" "mhm and why is you hair not washed and your not in the outfit I left out for you" "because my hair wasn't dirty and I don't like the outfit you put out. Now can I eat or are you going to starve me?" Matt was taken aback at the intensity of her attitude. She'd always been sassy and quick tempered but never like this. "Kyla Kaysin you have about five seconds to check your attitude and tone before we have a different conversation. "Fuck off" she nearly whispered it under her breath but Matt heard it and turned the stove off moving the plate off of the hot burner before walking towards his sister. The calmness that he had scared Kyla more than anything.  She started slowly backing away the closer he got and then instinct kicked in and she ran. Unfortunately for her Matt reached her before she could get to the bathroom. He wrapped his hand firmly on her arm gripping it firmly before pulling her towards his room. She started fighting him knowing that she was in big trouble if they weren't going to her room. She dug her heels in pulling against him "bubba I'm sorry" "enough. Not another word. Since you seem to think it's acceptable to disrespect me and cuss at me you no longer have the option to speak unless spoken to do I make myself clear" "yes sir but-" "KYLA KAYSIN WHAT DID I JUST SAY" kyla froze. He'd never yelled at her before and she started crying knowing how bad she'd messed up this time. He continued to lead her into his room and over to a corner. He put her in it "nose to the wall and hands on your head" kyla silently obeyed. She stood there for what felt like hours. Her arms were hurting and she was desperate to move but she didn't know if her brother was still in the room so she didn't. Finally when she felt like she couldn't stand there for another second he spoke "turn around and come here" she slowly turned around instantly looking at the floor as she walked over to where her brother stood. "Eyes up" she slowly brought her eyes up to look at him but couldn't hold his disappointed glare so she returned to looking at her feet. "Kyla do not test me right now. You are in enough trouble as it is. Now eyes up" she forced herself to hold his glare unable to stop the tears from flowing. "The way you have behaved this morning is completely unacceptable and you know that. Disobeying me, disrespecting me, and cussing at me is not going to win you anything but the whipping of your life. So I don't know where that came from but I suggest it ends now. Do I make myself clear" "yes sir" "good. Now I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap so the next time you think you want to cuss you'll rethink that decision. And then I'm going to wear your backside out good with my belt and the paddle" kyla gasped. She'd only ever been spanked with the paddle once before and it had been just that. She couldn't imagine that plus his belt. "Let's go" he led her over to the bathroom sitting her down on the closed toilet lid before opening the cabinet and pulling out a new bar of soap and turning the water on making her watch him lather it up before walking over to her. "Open" Kyla shook her head no tears fully flowing. "Kyla don't make this worse." "Bubba I can't" Matt sighed at the scared little voice that had since replaced the sharp biting attitude he'd heard earlier. Matt pinched his sisters nose shut until she had to open her mouth to breath and then slipped the bar of soap in her mouth. She instantly gagged at the taste and tried to fight it as he made quick work of lathering it all over her tongue and the inside of her cheeks. Matt knew from experience how much this sucked but he also knew how effective it was. His dad had only had to do it twice and then even the threat of it made him reconsider his actions. "Almost done kid. Bite down. One minute and then it's done. If you fight me on this I will pull you over my knee and spank you while you hold it" luckily she was done fighting him and just wanted this all to be over so she bit down sobbing quietly to herself. Finally a minute was up and Matt took the bar from his sisters mouth "you can rinse for a minute and then we're gonna finish this discussion" kyla wasted no time in trying to flush out the terrible taste in her mouth. All too soon the minute was up and Matt placed a hand on her back "let's go kid" he led her over to his bed "drop your shorts and bend over" "yes sir" she grabbed onto the comforter trying to control her breathing as he laid into her with the belt. Just when she thought she couldn't take another lick he stopped. She went to stand up but he placed a hand on her back pushing her back down "not yet kid. Not yet" Matt sighed as he walked over to his closet and reached on the top shelf and pulled out the paddle. He grimaced at the memories of the thing being beaten on his backside far too many times as a kid. He steeled himself mentally to finish this punishment so they could continue on their day. "You've got 15 coming. I want you to count them" kyla audibly gasped. She's never had more than five. She didn't think she could handle 15. Matt saw the panic in her body and ruffled her hair "you can do this kid." He took one last second before bringing the paddle down not using a lot of force considering the already raw backside she was supporting. "One" he paused long enough for the full effect to be felt before bringing it down again in the same spot "oh my gosh bubba please.." "kyla count" "two" this continued all the way to ten with Kyla now fully sobbing and biting down on the comforter squirming. The only thing holding her in place being her brothers firm hand on her back. "Last five" Matt quickly brought down the paddle on her upper thigh causing her to screech out "eleven Matt I can't please" Matt knew she was struggling bad when he heard her call him Matt. Since she was a baby he could only think of 5 or 6 other times he'd heard her call him that" "almost done kid. Hang on for me" he brought the paddle down again on her thighs causing her to jump up "twelve. Bubba I can't do this please I'm sorry I'll never cuss at you again" "kid I really don't want to add extras. Bend over" his heart was breaking but he knew he couldn't stop. He brought it down again even lower on her thighs than the first time. "Thirteen bubba please" he didn't pause this time and he brought the paddle down two more times hard on her sit spots "oh my gosh" "kyla count or I will restart" kyla was sobbing so hard she couldn't count she was trying but nothing would come out. Matt used his hand to pop her twice "count kid" "fourteen, fif-fif fifteen" Matt sighed glad it was done. He tossed the paddle aside and quickly brought his sister into his chest rocking her softly "shhh it's done kid all done. Please don't ever make me do that again" "I'm sorry bubba I'm so sorry" "I know deep breaths before you make yourself sick. He placed one of her hands on his chest and the other on her own getting her to match his breathing. It took awhile but she eventually calmed down. "Alright kid. Now I want you to actually take a shower this time and put on what I laid out for you and make sure your beds made. When that's done you can come eat" "yes sir but-" "what could you possibly be trying to argue right now" "I'm not arguing but could I maybe not wear the shorts you picked out" she looked sheepishly up at him and he immediately realized she didn't want anyone seeing the result of her punishment. He nodded "I'll find something else. Now go" thankfully the rest of the morning went smoothly other than kyla not being able to sit comfortably. There was a knock on the door and Matt opened it to reveal Gabby. He smiled and leaned in giving her a kiss before motioning her inside "hey come in. We're almost ready" "great" gabby saw kyla peek around the corner to see who was there and smiled at her "hey girl you gonna come give me a hug or what?" Kyla ran over and wrapped her arms around gabby. Matt couldn't help but smile. Kyla had never liked Hallie and never allowed herself to get close to her despite Matt's best efforts but with Gabby it was natural. Matt was brought out of his trance by something crashing into him. He looked up startled as his sister latched onto him squealing. "Whoa there kid" "bubba don't let him get me" "let who get you?" Matt turned to look and saw Kelly Severide creeping towards them. "What'd you do to uncle Kelly?" "I didn't do nothin! You gotta stop him please" Matt smirked at her before looking at Kelly "hey Kelly you looking for this one?" Kelly smirked "yea she stole my hotdog and ran" "oh really.. well it seems it's only fair that I hand her over then" Kyla was still latched tightly onto Matt and squealed "nooo okay truce truce" "truce? How are you gonna steal my hotdog and call truce" "okay fine I'll go get you a new hotdog uncle Kelly just please don't tickle me" Matt caused her shrieking to increase as he started attacking her sides tickling her. He eventually let go and Kyla let go of him and backed away from him with a playful pout "your a meanie!" "Yea yea" Kelly put his arm around her shoulder "someone owes me a hotdog. Now get a move on before I decide to not be so generous" Matt smiled as the duo walked away. Kelly had taken Kyla under his wing from the first time they'd met. Even before Matt and Kelly had become close.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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