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Danni's pov

I walk back into the kitchen "I just have to ask danni first" Flo said to Scarlett not knowing I was standing there "ask me what" I say walking up to Flo and hopping on her back. "Well I....I was if you'd be ok if I asked to foster you and stef?" She sounded so nervous asking me about it I already knew my answer but I thought I'd wait a little to freak her out.

"It's ok if you don't want to it was just a suggestion you don't have to" Flo rambles nervously but I cut her off "I'd love that" I smile and get off her back to properly hug her. Flo raps her arms around me so tight it was getting hard to breathe. Stef runs in and joins in on the hug after a little bit stef asks "why are we hugging" everyone starts laughing and we pull away from the hug, Flo kneels down to stefs level "stef sweetie I asked danni if she ok with you guys staying with me for a while" stef looks at Flo and then at me and motions for me to bend down.

Stef whispers in my ear and it makes me tear up a little but laugh at the same time then she turns to Flo and jumps into her arms wrapping her whole body around Flo, Scarlett pulls me into a hug "welcome to the family,trouble" I smile at the nickname finally feeling like I could breathe that I wouldn't get separated from stef that I would finally have a mom and a home.

A/n- sorry I haven't updated in a while it's just with school and practices I haven't had much time but I'm starting another chapter rn so it should be out by the end of the day or tomorrow morning
Love you all
Stay safe
Stay hydrated
And stay happy

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