usual morning run

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Dani's POV


I was woken up by the sound of my alarm like every morning. I got out of bed put on a pair of gym shorts, a tank top and my running shoes grabbed my earbuds and my phone and left the house.

It wasn't to crowded there were a couple people not many just how I like it, I ran at least 45 minutes before I made it to to coffee shop, i pulled out my earbuds and got in line there were maybe 5 or 6 people in front of me

It was finally my turn to order so I got my usual order an ice coffee and a bagel and went and waited for my name to be called a young woman comes and stands beside me, "morning run?" The blonde woman said "um yes ma'am" I said anxiously I have anxiety but I tend to hide it pretty well I think

I hear my name get called so I go up and grab my order as I'm walking back I had the urge to tell her bye for some reason which I never do "well it was nice talking to you have a nice day" I said walking passed her "you too dear, have a nice run" she said, I walked outside and sat at the empty table

Florence's POV

I woke up early this morning and went to my favorite coffee shop, I got in line behind this young girl who looked sweaty she had dark brown hair looked about a little shorter than me, but anyways I wasn't here to stalk people so I went and ordered my coffee and bagel and it was kinda packed in there, I went and stood beside the girl

"Morning run?" I asked the girl she looked a little shy to answer "um yes ma'am" she responded with such manners her parents raised her right. Her name gets called but as she's walking back she said "well it was nice talking to you have a nice day" which kinda made me smile "you too dear have a nice day" I said, 'dear? What, how old am I good lord' I thought to myself I don't know why but there was something about her that just- I don't know

I walked outside planning on sitting at a table and eating but when I got outside both tables were taken I was about to walk away when I heard a little voice "you can sit with me if you'd like" it was the girl from inside

Dani's POV

The woman walked out looking for a table but they were taken and me being a nice person "you can sit with me if you'd like" I said shyly she turned around and faced me "I wouldn't want to intrude on your morning" she said about to walk off "no, no insist" I told her getting out of my seat "ok, only because you insist" she said with a giggle

She came over and sat in front of me and she started to get her food out "nice choice" I say realizing we had ordered the same thing, she looks over and laughs "you too" we sit and talk for a bit before, we get up and walk talking and talking about anything and everything I don't know why because I never open up to anyone that's probably why I don't have friends, "well I should get going, it was nice talking to you" she said "yeah, I should probably get back too the foster people might notice I'm gone for once" I say and her expression changes like she she kinda feels bad for me but I just smile and we say bye and go our separate ways.

Words- 631

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