Words to Live By

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  "Your footing could use some work, Chris!" Mel landed a few light jabs on the male's side.

  Chris dodges a right hook and counters with a hook of his own, "I don't seem to know what you're talking-" Mel interrupts his sentence by sweeping his legs from under him and pressing her index finger to his chest.

  "I win!" She chuckled before helping him to his feet. Over the next few months, the two had gotten exceptionally close and alongside the others aside from the Captain were training in the police station's gym, Barry Burton after finishing his warmup stepped up to Mel before ducking into a wrestling stance. Mimicking the male the two began their combat, a test of pure strength with Barry getting the upper hand in the beginning, forcing her backward. She used her disadvantage to examine what the male was doing and the reasoning for his stance and movements before copying them with more force, sooner or later she wrestled him to the ground in a gentle headlock making her playful intention known.

  During her break, she giggled and jokingly said to Jill while they drank, "You know at this point I feel I should put up a challenge that anyone who's able to defeat me in combat I have to take out to dinner or something, I feel confident." Upon hearing that almost everyone in the gym perked up prompting Mel to then softly say, "I have a feeling I'm going to eat those words..."

  For the next hour after short breaks, she was put against the other members of both teams under S.T.A.R.S. and had to adapt quickly if she was to keep her title. While some like Kenneth Sulivian proved to be little threat, others such as Jill and Joseph became scary to go against. At the end of it, she had a large bruise across her right cheek and a cocky grin, challenging anyone else to come forward while cracking her knuckles only to be startled by her Captain's voice,

  "What's this about a challenge?" The color of her cheeks drains as she feels like she was caught with her hand in a cookie jar, turning around slowly to greet her Captain,

  "A-Afternoon Captain Wesker...I was uh...Motivating our fellow members into continuing to train by saying that if they could beat me..." She trailed off her tone becoming more questioning, "I'd take them to dinner...?"

  "It's a team exercise, wouldn't you say that's great for us Captain?" Jill hummed butting in and wrapping an arm around Mel to build her confidence. Mel relaxed and took the time to notice the subtle twitches in his lips and forehead, the slight strain in the muscles along the side of his neck, she subconsciously took a step back before the taller male pushed up his shades and clicked his tongue. 

  Wesker could note the flush in the woman's cheeks adorning the bruise, knuckles red and raw with sweat dripping down her arms and stomach which was exposed with her training attire. She was otherwise average aside from the curly black hair usually straightened and dressed as a bun unlike today where it was pulled into a slick ponytail, her skin tawny in tone her highlighting her glimmering eyes that held some form of interest or curiosity upon not being immediately chastised. Jill's word struck a cord that much was obvious however the smaller woman's step back aimed his attention back towards her and clicked his tongue as he made his final decision with mischievous intent.

  "Fine, I will play your little game, Morales, however, I will be setting my own stakes at hand, next month I have an event I need to attend and require a plus one. Next week we will meet here at exactly noon to spar, if you win I will personally buy you that CD you've been wanting, however, if I win you accompany me. Understood?"

  Mel stepped forward with a cocky grin and held out her hand, "That Guns 'N' Roses CD is mine!"

  It would be a few hours before they were due to collide as she crouched under her desk biting her nails, Chris chuckling while sitting in her chair, "It won't be that bad."

  "I just challenged the Captain! He's better than all of us I won't even come close!" Chris took his time coaching her and getting her confident enough to get out from hiding and make her way over to the gym, she wore the same attire aside from a lilac sports bra in hopes of giving her luck.

  Captain Wesker was already there alongside almost everyone else who clearly wanted to watch the show. He seemed expressionless but the stance of power showed his confidence compared to her shrinking ego, the two got into their ready stances and neither made the first move. The male saw this as a battle of wits, their eyes locked and focused on every little movement that could be made next, the truth was less exciting as the smaller female was frozen in anxiety.

  Wesker lunged forward with a downwards punch, Mel's reflexes helped her break her paralysis and lift her guard, her counter was quick stepping in to slip her leg under his and give him a light hook into his side. This was short-sighted of her as she was easily thrown off balance sending her stumbling backward. The combat continued as both learned the other's style and adapted to it until the entire gym became their battlefield, Mel took advantage of her better dexterity slipping in between machinery while Wesker used his superior speed to round her antics and face her head-on again. It wasn't long until she was backed into a corner, her brain had shut off after a sweep of the legs by Wesker that she narrowly avoided by cartwheeling backward.

  "Nowhere to run now Esmerelda." He sneered closing in, she glanced around panicking until she looked at the wall, she faked a punch to the stomach only to clap him on the ear in a short stun just enough for her to turn around and jump using the wall to boost her upwards and behind Wesker, though he already saw it coming and elbowed her in the stomach, turning around on a dime and sweeping her legs a final time and getting her on the floor.

  She chuckled laying her arm across her face and accepting defeat.

Flawed Reality (Albert Wesker x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant