Pain, Suffering, and Pancakes

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  Esmerelda had just tripped three times once out of bed, hitting both big toes and her shin on three separate objects on the way to the bathroom. Squealing as her supposedly hot shower turned ice cold a few minutes in causing her to hop out and shiver, wasn't any better when she nearly burned her hand while cooking, then again when she was boxing it.

  Finally dressed with her bag over her shoulder she grabbed her juice and dashed out the door her dirty sneakers slipped on the soaked floor, and she collided with the floor pushing the air from her lungs but that didn't stop her strides out of the apartment and down the street in the pouring rain, it was a somber morning.

  Her bad morning didn't stop there as the light turned yellow and she had decided to cross only for a car to come to a screeching halt and bounced her forward mid sip spilling the contents of her drink on her bright blue shirt. A young woman gets out spewing apologies while Esmerelda got up slowly chucking at her luck,

  "I am so sorry are you okay?" The brunette steadied the shorter female, "Oh my god is that blood?"

  "What? No no, it's pomegranate juice!" Esmerelda gasped softly scraping as much as she could off, a male seemingly of the same age pops his head out of the window shouting that they could give her a ride if she needed it, "Oh yes that would be wonderful, you know where the police station is?"

  "Wait," The woman paused while leading her to the car, "Are you, Esmerelda Morales? The new member?"

  "Ah yes, you are uh...Rebecca Chambers?"

  The woman laughs opening the back door for Mel to step in, "No I'm Jill Valentine, that's Chris Redfield."

  Mel enters the car and continues talking with her fellow members while combing her slick hair out of her face, the journey to the police station was much warmer and quicker. Stepping inside and being taken to the changing room she changed into her uniform and took out the several containers she had in her bag and carried them to the office, they were still hot thankfully. There were already two members talking at their desks, a young woman with reddish hair and a male with ginger hair, she introduced themselves and offered the piping hot boxes with said names scribbled on top.

  Each person was gifted with a container of fluffy pancakes, tiny cups of butter and syrup tucked along with a plastic fork and knife. Finally, the captain stepped out of his office due to the commotion and Mel held out the box with a big smile, "Good morning Captain Wesker! It is a pleasure to begin working alongside y-"

  A bulging panel no one had spotted beforehand bursts directly above her drenching her in dirty water, closing her eyes and keeping her arms extended to keep the box dry she sighed heavily before cracking her eyes open and squeaking out, "you..!"

  He held a neutral expression and took the box with a short confirmation of her existence and returned to his office, Mel grabbed a mop and bucket cleaned the mess up herself, and get to work after drying herself off. She kept a smile on her face as she worked and spoke making quick friends with Rebecca and Chris.

  Lunch would come hours later and Mel was dragged away from her desk to get something to eat. She needed help understanding how the vending machine worked getting a few jokes landing her way but she took them in stride and even prodded back with a giggle. The others had quickly grown fond of her company and Rebecca promptly asked her to hang out outside of work hours which she had gladly accepted, by the time the day was over the skies were clear and she was still smiling.

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