Chapter 1

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On the lush green grasslands with mountains and clear blue sky with clouds and fresh cool air, there was a young woman with long black hair that reaches down to her knees and red eyes and red markings around her body. She wears a dark sleeveless mini dress with a white collar and a red tie, a red belt that has a red side skirt cover, and red gauntlets and black gloves. She also wears a long black hooded cloak that covers her entire body. The young girl also carries a katana she carried around sheathed to her waist in her travel. That includes a short sword with a chain link tassel she had in her back. But she was no ordinary girl...

Her name is Akame. A member of the assassination group called Night Raid, a sub-faction of the Revolutionary Army whose main function is to handle intelligence and assassinations within the capital of the Empire as well as recover any Teigu, or Imperial Arms, vital for the Revolutionary cause. Prior to her time as a member of Night Raid, Akame was part of the Imperial Assassins who killed countless enemies who opposed the Empire before finally defecting to the Revolutionary Army in dissatisfaction and resentful towards the government and being swayed by former General Najenda's words.

Akame is currently wandering around the world after the Revolutionary Army's total victory over the corrupt Empire at the cost of her comrades' lives. She even managed to defeat and kill Esdeath, the Empire's strongest warrior although with the use of her Teigu's trump card that granted her speed and strength boost but at the cost of having to fight the poison that is slowly killing her within her body and the red markings remained as scars. The former Imperial Assassin also volunteered to shoulder all the crimes and blame of Night Raid in order to soothe public opinion while her former superior dedicated all her efforts to rebuild the country from scratch.

Currently, Akame kept on traveling while encountering dangerous mercenaries and bandits to which she easily defeated with her Teigu, One Cut Killer: Murasame a poisonous blade that can kill a person with only one cut. Although she had a short sword with her, it wasn't necessary and unneeded. That weapon is the sealed form of the Demon Armor: Incursio, an armor-like Teigu formerly possessed by Bulat and Tatsumi who both died while on Night Raid missions: Bulat killed by his former superior and old friend General Liver of the Three Beasts and Tatsumi died saving civilians from the falling form of Shikoutazer, The Child Emperor's Teigu after destroying it in a hard battle.

It serves as a memento of the deaths of her fellow Night Raid members who all died fighting for a better world, for a better future. All their Teigus in Night Raid were destroyed in battle or currently in the hands of the Revolutionary Army. They may not be remembered in the history books but Akame (and Najenda, too) will.

Stopping on her tracks, Akame sensed something. Something she never felt before.

"Strange, I felt numerous presences in this area but what is it?", she wondered.

Noticing a dust of smoke revealing to be an army of 20,000 barbarians all heavily armed and dangerous heading her way as if they're going to invade civilization, but in her mind, No, it's not them. They clearly have killing intent no doubt but that's not the presences I've felt...

The barbarians noticed Akame and stopped as all eyes looked at her hungrily and the Night Raid member did not like it.

Then the large looking man with long scruffy hair and strange foreign markings around his body, wielding a large crude-looking spiked club loudly spoke,

"Well, well. Lookie here boys. We've got a beauuutifuuulll young lady on our tracks! We are soooo lucckkkyy!"

His men agreed and hollered wildly, wanting to have her for themselves. And also take her weapons she carried around too.

"Hey pretty lady! You should drop your sword. Swords don't suit you well. It suits us, you included! Bahahaha!", one unruly looking barbarian lewdly commented who laughed to which his comrades followed too.

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